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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I would too if I had two live-in hot ladystudents rubbing my tummy all day.
  2. How are these statements canards? I thought I was stating the obvious. Which of these statements is untrue? And as for prices, I don't know. Maybe you can tell us. You brought it up. I mean that--I'm no expert here. If you have a good suggestion, I'm willing to hear it.
  3. Anyway, a larger proportion of our population is leaving the work force. And that is a very uderstated obstacle to economic growth, in this country and many others around the world.
  4. not much (unless you're talking about some new renewable source yet to be discovered) not much I think this is an issue that gets lots of lip service but doesn't really mean much except maybe symbolically. As it is we produce something like 70% of our own. We haven't had a significant disruption in supply for decades. Canada is self-sufficient and they still have high gas prices. Terrorism is not funded by oil money. The Middle East will always be a mess because they fight over stuff more fundamental than will be affected by oil. Also, parts of the Middle East will always hate us. That hatred will not be reduced by us ceasing to do business with them.
  5. and and You probably should have actually read the article you're in such a hurry to bash. "Banning guns?"
  6. I don't know what Jim in Anchorage looks like, but I can't help picturing Ted Nugent.
  7. Great lookin' doggies in this thread. eSJayDee, I feel for you & your Wilson. I lost my best friend in June. Not ready yet for another, but maybe in a year or so. Maybe get a puppy when my little girl is about 3 or so, so she can grow up with it & have a sidekick. The greatness of a dog is impossible to overstate. Here's a pic of my Billie (1996-2012). She hung around long enough for "Doggie" to be my daughter's first word.
  8. I agree. From 2000 to 2008 it was the liberals time to whine. I know I did my share. However, I think history will vindicate us on that one.
  9. Funny, the right doesn’t believe in evolution but they sure got the whole survival of the fittest / natural selection thing down. Sorry, just kidding (mostly).
  10. I don't know what the "Adam card" means, but I'm with you. I was initially against it. Eventually, I deferred to the so-called expert economists who said it was too catastrophic if we let it fail. I definitely understand the conservative impulse on this though.
  11. Yeah, it's definitely a tough one. I know it plays partisan now, but it wasn't just the Dems calling for the bailout at the time. Interesting how the Wall St. bailout doesn't get questioned the same way.
  12. Who exactly in the private sector was lining up to loan them the $ to keep production running? No one. They would have gone into liquidation which would have meant many tens of thousands of jobs lost at exactly the worst time for the economy. It would also have devastated the network of suppliers that feed the auto industry. Companies that would have disappeared from the map, but now are still in business.
  13. This is fun! You hardliners are all sour grapes, just like I expected. It Romney had won, I would have posted a congratulations to him. I would wish him well. I know you won't believe that because you in your infantile world view expect that everyone else is like you, petty, divisive, unbending. I'm only holding up this inane sentiment for what it is, a piece of 3rd grade "I'm rubber--you're glue" garbage. It takes on a special comedy value for me though, now that you're on the other side.
  14. Why are you so jealous of the success of others? If you spent half the effort you use deriding others for their ingenuity, hard work and success you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
  15. Why are you so jealous of the success of others? If you spent half the effot you use deriding others for their ingenuity, hard work and success you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
  16. Why are you so jealous of the success of others? If you spent half the effort you use deriding others for their ingenuity, hard work and success you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
  17. The Republicans need to rethink this long-held contradiction at the core of their party: They’re all about getting the government out of people’s lives, self-reliance, personal responsibility, freedom, pursuit of happiness, etc... but they can’t keep their nosy, perverted, sexually repressed asses out of people’s bedrooms. It’s all about the evangelical freak fringe that has hijacked the party’s frontal lobe for way too long. It's disgusting and the vast majority of people don't want anything to do with that crap and they're sick of hearing about it.
  18. Oh my God, lawyers? What are the Republicans going to do to counter this sneaky underhanded move? If only they had considered this possibility before, they could have lined up lawyers of their own. Damn those sneaky liberals. They'll stop at nothing. It's easy for them too because the Republicans are so naturally fairminded and innocent and thus unsuspecting.
  19. If it turns out that all the mainstream polls were wrong and Romney wins, I'll let 3rdning write my signature line and I'll keep it for one year.
  20. I voted early this morning. Good turnout. I had to wait in line about 45 minutes.
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