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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Even if it's not true, the aliens will just go back in time, change history and make it true. That's how true it is.
  2. Thanks. I'll keep it with the others. My first thought was to go with Ferdinand Mobius, but I figured, too obscure.
  3. MItch McConnell needs to show his birth certificate. He was not born in this country. He was born in the Land of the Lost. We don't need him here pushing his secret Sleestak agenda.
  4. You're so right. It diminishes the accomplishments of the real starrs, like myself.
  5. How is his life not gonna be messed up? "My mother is my sister?" "My dad is my grandfather?" You gotta be M.C. Escher to even draw that family tree.
  6. Wow, the human refuse. Man, it hurt to read that. The poor kid, sweet christ!
  7. On vinyl, Tame Impala - Lonerism Big
  8. Well, of course the winner does get a free VIP membership to TSW (value $1.75). This includes a lifetime supply of having your spelling & grammatical errors corrected for you. And two all-expense-paid tickets to PPP, where you and your guest will enjoy a tour of the wild exotic creatures native to this strange and wonderful land unspoiled by civilization. Also, you get to call Tom an idiot.
  9. I think you will agree that our founding fathers did not have in mind “professional” politicians for this representative democracy of ours. (see also Lincoln’s “of the people, by the people, for the people...”) I don’t think it’s that big of a deal that celebrities run for office. There have been many examples already. I won’t make a case for Ashley Judd because I don’t know much about her. But if a famous person can catch a wave and get the votes, they get to go to DC. That’s the system working. The issues belong to all of us. Just because some suit came up through the ranks and ingratiated himself sufficiently to his party’s grand poobahs... that no more qualifies a person to represent his state or district in Washington than any other concerned citizen. This idea that career politicians hold some expertise or privelaged status with regard to the laws of the land is nuts.
  10. It would easily break the record for largest margin of physical attractiveness between two candidates. Of course second place would be McConnell vs. everybody else he's ever run against.
  11. I agree. He does need to make some spending cut proposals. I think he will--I don't understand what the hell is taking him so long. The Republicans have a valid gripe here.
  12. I think maybe you have some displaced aggression. Is there anything I could post that you wouldn't object to? Is there any topic that you can't twist into a complaint connected to the federal budget?
  13. I thought it was funny. It’s hard to tell with Tarantino if he’s high or whatever. He’s just a kook to begin with. Say what you will about him though, the movie business is better for having him around. He’s in it for the right reasons. He absolutely LOVES cinema, everything about it. He brings that love and tons of inventive ideas to his stuff. Sometimes it seems a little forced (to me anyway), but when it works, it’s pretty damn cool. I still remember the day I saw Pulp Fiction in the theatre when it first came out. I was blown away. I remember the feeling I had coming out of the theatre. I had this buzz of excitement that lasted for days.
  14. I think Jackie Brown has aged very well. If you haven't seen it in a while, it's great to revisit.
  15. Actually, there is a correct answer and it's not controversial as long as you're not a member of a political party and trying to maintain the support of the lunatics who have hijacked it... 4.54 billion years. (That's the age of the Earth, not of the universe as Rubio somehow strangely misinterpreted the question).
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