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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ok, but that competition was: San Diego St. Wagner Princeton Colgate Arkansas E. Michigan Long Beach St. Monmouth Canisius Detroit I'll keep watching.
  2. I've yet to see MCW play up to the hype he gets. I've only seen the Temple game this year and obviously that was a stinker. But I watched him quite a bit last year and was not impressed. I know he's still young, but I just don't see it in him. I hope he proves me wrong.
  3. I can't remember the last time I cared so little about a Bills game. Not since the early 80's. It just blows because we're 3 years now into the latest re-building phase (after several other failed regimes) and all the same questions remain. The dark cloud of SUCK still lingers overhead. I hate seeing what I've seen the last couple weeks. It's not just poor football, it's poor effort. When I read comments from Buddy & Chan lately, I get pissed off because I feel every statement should begin with an apology to the fans, but does not. I don't know yet if I'll be watching this Sunday.
  4. Go back to sleep. We'll wake you when you're needed. Canadian? Really? You thought I was Canadian? Oh, for shame!
  5. The older I get, the more I appreciate the sexiness of older women. When I was younger, it was invisible to me. In one sense, it's enlightening. On the other hand, it's a terrible burden to my overactive imagination.
  6. I see a reality show: "Convicted Sex Offender Teacher Makeover"
  7. That's true. Only the "decathlete" does better. They thow in deluxe services like the pole vault and shot put. And of course that's a two day event, so you have to pay for the whole weekend.
  8. Strangely... CH, yes SB, no I can't explain it. Something about SB is just unsexy to me.
  9. I'm holding on to my thing. I win, I win!
  10. Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! I am the winner of this thread. Thank you.
  11. I saw that. Those guys are nuts! It's all about looking for a fight. They'll twist whatever you say into something they can attack, even if you try to agree with them on something. It's the exact opposite of dialectic. The goal is to increase divisiveness & run screaming from anything resembling a consensus.
  12. My little girl had her obligatory traumatic Santa experience. I tried to explain to her what a cliche it is to cry on Santa's lap, but she couldn't help herself.
  13. Just an amazingly attractive woman. She happens to be in one of my favorite sleeper movies: Huber Pool. And not just because she looks great--It's actually a really interesting movie. (warning: it's extremely strange though) Happy Birthday!
  14. Yeah, Beerball didn't raise no Sleepy. You know what? I have kind of a dilemma on my hands. I don't want to win this thread anymore. And I want very much to express this to all of you, but I don't have any way of communicating my feelings without winning the thread. It's quite maddening.
  15. Crap, now I'm hungry. And my little yogurt isn't cutting it.
  16. People always want to make it into something dirty, but feeling sleepy is the most natural, beautiful thing in the world. I get a lot of pressure from people to resist the temptation. My boss for example. I don't care though--I'm gonna give in to it.
  17. I liked it because it had a unique point of view, lots of style, it looked great, the dialogue was great and the acting performances were great. The reviews everywhere are split for this movie. I don't understand the negative reviews at all. Seems to me some people were expecting something else, something lamer, more familiar & predictable. I loved it.
  18. I just saw it. I thought it was excellent. I recommend it highly.
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