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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Have a great birthday, you guys! :beer: Curious about Beerball though. How exactly do they determine a “birth date” for test tube babies. Is it the day the slime starts to bubble over the side of the tube?
  2. It would by me. I have an open mind about it and I'm hungry for info. I'm in the dark about the guy and any good insight is much appreciated. What little I've read so far is reassuring. The number one positive: first Bills coach in a long time who was not just fired by someone who is sick of their crap.
  3. Sorry you're not feeling well, but I like how you post in couplets.
  4. Ah. I can see this. Pretty messed up. Yeah, except that he to go and blab exactly what kind of tattoo he's gonna get.
  5. I can't take it anymore with these horny teachers. I give up. It's too weird. The girl in this one was 13. What the hell is wrong with these people? Why is this so prevalent? How sick is our society? When will the Bills ever make the playoffs? Why am I so angry? Edit: YES
  6. Guilty! Definitely talk to the mom. The more time goes by, the weirder it gets.
  7. I prefer the "Moons over my-hammy-hamster"
  8. Z is 18 months. Yup, I was about 3 here. I'm sure I'll have some tricycle shots of her too. We'll try to dress her a lot better though.
  9. Recently came across some very old photos. Here's gringo starrling, circa 1973...
  10. Another positive: Short season. You know you'll only have to work 16 games. None of that pesky overtime that some guys have to put in during January & February.
  11. Humans are generally very quick to anger, hold grudges and do not respond well to criticism. I do not know where he went, but probably not just out for a couple drinks to celebrate his new freedom. I'd say he's plotting revenge right now.
  12. This thread has now been around longer than Chan Gailey. I think I'll celebrate my victory with an egg & cheese sammy on a toasted english muffin from the cafe in my building.
  13. Jessica Simpson. I think it's so hilarious and perfect that she has a fragrance and it's called "Fancy Nights." Sometimes when I'm feeling low, I like to think about this and it makes me laugh and I feel a little better.
  14. You play to win. Period. Of all the perennial bogus crap crusades that get recycled around here, this is the crappiest.
  15. This sums up my feelings pretty well. It's a sad day.
  16. Well said. I agree with everything here. I would only add that there has to be an upgrade in the WR group as well.
  17. Dave Wannstedt absolutely needs to go and I'm sure he will. 2012 possibly the worst total defensive effort ever turned in by the Bills. Inexcusible. As for Chan, if he's gone, I won't be upset. If he gets one more chance, I won't be surprised.
  18. Agreed. Totally outstanding player, teammate, person.
  19. She looks like Courtney Cox's separate-at-birth twin sister who was grew up in a trailer park. Maybe
  20. Wow, that's a very good price for all that quality work. You should tip your friend with a bottle of his favorite brain tonic.
  21. I believe in God in a "Miracle on 34th Street" kind of way. I'd like to believe in free will, but I've never come across a plausible account of what it could be and I've not been able to formulate one myself. I think people are good, but needy. When they don't get what they need, they get... unpredictable. Religion does not work for me. I see it helps some others, so I don't object (much).
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