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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Huppy Ham Day! Hampy Hupday! Hump your hat day! Dammit, where's Cowgirl?
  2. Good grief! I guess the little red-haired girl finally decided to press charges.
  3. Everybody's spewing off their opinions, so I'll give mine too. I reject religion. It's not thinking. It's not inquiry. It's not dialectic or reason or exploration or discovery or tolerance or respect for the mystery of the world. It's the cessation of spiritual thought. It's words in a book and listen to the man in the robe. The more organized and established the religion, the more stultifying. I think some people are helped by religion, but only as a result of lucky side effects like social contact, structure, accountability--it has nothing to do with the questions that the institution purports to address.
  4. No. Not when she was young, because I hated her and her stupid family's crappy cheese shlock variety show garbage so much, my conscience wouldn't even allow me to picture her as a human woman. And not now because she's had so much bad plastic surgery, she looks like Sigmund the Sea Monster (as long as were talking about terrible 70's shows).
  5. Ah, I guess I missed that. One of my big complaints against law enforcement has always been an underdeveloped appreciation of cutting edge performance art.
  6. Sleepy. I'm gonna lay down for a bit. Wake me up when somebody says something funny.
  7. What has life done to this poor woman? Shame...shame on you, life.
  8. Yup, me too. I never cared about that sport, but I found myself getting angry. I can't imagine the people who idolized him and stuck up for him--how they must feel. Watching it last night, I got the impression that he's far more smug than contrite. The thing that pissed me off the most was how viciously he attacked some of his former colleagues when they told the truth, including lawsuits and personal attacks. When he admitted calling that one woman crazy, he was laughing as he recounted it. How do you laugh about that? That was probably devastating to that woman to be discredited publicly by mister superstar bicycle pants. He's very casual about it all. He's talking now because he got pushed into a corner. This is all he can do at this point. I don't think he cares about the damage he's caused. I don't think he even understands the extent of it. I think the man's a sociopath. I want to say to Lance and every person who plays a game and feels the need to cheat to win: The truth is important. Sportsmanship is important. Dignity and respect are important. You are not important.
  9. I think in the very early days it did slip to page 2 a couple times.
  10. Fourteen thousand eight hundred twenty-three. The winner of this thing is...me.
  11. It sure does suck. Good luck to Stuart.
  12. Why's everybody bragging about their IQ scores?
  13. Hope he didn't forget to make a wish.
  14. Too soon. First we have to attack the guy, then he gets defensive and says even stupider things and lashes out at some of us. If he gets mad enough and if he's stupid enough, then maybe he'll say something memorably idiotic & funny enough to be included among the greats.
  15. Yo Gabba Gabba's where it's at. I can't watch any of the ESPN talk shows. They make me like sports less.
  16. All you have to do is divide by zero. Try it on your calculator. The answer is "E" which, according to Einstein equals mc2. Voila!
  17. I think in a very special way, we're all losers.
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