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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'm not sure you're authorized to condemn stuff around here. I don't recall seeing you around in the VIP lounge and only VIP's can condemn stuff.
  2. I liked Cabin in the Woods from a couple years ago. Although it's kind of a meta-horror movie. It's a horror movie that makes fun of and pays homage to the genre. Other than that, I don't know of any good recent ones. Seems like horror movies have a very low hit to miss ratio.
  3. I don't have any desire to see Django. I like Tarantino, but the previews and what I've read don't interest me. The tone of it just seems like a very awkward fit to the subject matter. I'll probably end up seeing it on cable at some point. Maybe I'll change my mind.
  4. Clean so far today. I think I might take my chances with another cup of coffee here in a little while. I really hope I don't blow it again.
  5. I spilled coffee all over myself and my desk. I am a legendary jackass and I wear the mark of the stained shirt for all to see.
  6. Tornadoes in Georgia today. Twice so far in my building we've had to go stand in the stairwells for about 20 minutes until a warning is lifted. One touched down just north of Atlanta in Adairsville, GA and did a bunch of damage. A big section of I75 is shut down with many cars overturned.
  7. Great call! I love that movie and particularly that scene.
  8. Seriously? No, it's just that scientists agree that there isn't a gay gene. The causes are still somewhat of a mystery--it seems to still be biological, just not genetic. Not that it really matters. The important point is that it should not be viewed as a defect.
  9. Good for you, Pops! Congratulations to you and your family.
  10. The important thing that I want to point out is that it's absolutely not a defect.
  11. Gay is not genetic. There are cases of identical twins where one is straight and the other gay. And it clearly doesn't make someone incapable of reproduction. Lots of gay people have children. And it's not a defect. Being gay does not impair a person's physical or mental abilities in any way.
  12. "It's hard to win in the Kobayashi Maru scenario." I like Darlene's ideas. The Bills definitely do need more "Shatner." Those guys in the early 90's had the Shatner. I don't know where it went, but they gotta get it back. Kirstie Alley, I'm not so sure. Although she had her heyday around the same time as the Bills, so maybe there's a connection there too. Maybe George Wendt for offensive line coach.
  13. I've tried my best to make this a good day, but it seems I have failed quite badly. Can't catch a break.
  14. Yes. This and much more. An example: At Taco Mac, you might have your server say something to you like "we have a special today on pitchers of Coors Light." At the other REAL bars, you'd get laughed out of the place for even mentioning swill like that.
  15. I go to the Porter in Atlanta. Really amazing beer menu. A few high gravity beers sets me up nicely to then go and make some impulse purchases at the record stores in little five points.
  16. I think something good will happen today.
  17. Popular music. So much of the stuff that gets mainstream success is so completely artistically bankrupt and sonically terrible, I'm convinced that many people just sort of pretend it's good because they want music to be a part of their lives but don't know how or don't have the energy to seek out anything other than what is puked upon them by the major entertainment corporations.
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