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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Sure, in an utterly trivial way. The meaning you describe belongs to that which a person has faith in, not to "faith" as a thing. But my point is that faith used in this way is a misnomer. The belief turns out to be quite ordinary if you look below the surface. In most cases, "hope" is what they mean.
  2. I submit: When people talk about “Faith,” nothing is denoted. The word aims at something like belief-without-reason-to-believe. Not luck, not randomness, not simply hope--it’s supposed to be some other special kind of belief, but it’s not. It’s simply a fearful longing combined with a complete capitulation in terms of moral responsibility or reasonable expectation. It’s an infantile appeal to a supreme Daddy in the sky. I realize that, in ordinary language, the word faith is used as synonym for trust or fortitude or patience or hope, etc… That’s not what I’m disputing. I’m talking about the theological Faith, which has no meaning.
  3. Nice! He's better than he gets credit for. Next year is his time to shine.
  4. These people are !@#$ing trash. They have seven other kids who are in foster care. They are the lucky ones. They have now murdered two infants. Please remove them from society.
  5. It’s awesome how those anchors were laughing at him. It’s the appropriate response to douchebag cultural parasites like this. That was really fun to watch.
  6. You're doing it wrong. It's the device that wraps around--aw, nevermind.
  7. Why is it acceptable for info like this to be released to the public? I feel the same way about mugshots and all the horny female teacher news stories. Seems like a violation of privacy to those who are innocent until proven guilty, no? Many innocent people's lives have been ruined by accusations made in the media. Then, once exonerated, equal time is certainly not given to that part of the story.
  8. Without a doubt my least favorite Bills player of all time. I don’t know what he was doing out there, but it sure as hell wasn’t football.
  9. Also, I think it is worthwhile to point out that a Jeep cannot fly.
  10. It sucks. A really sad situation. My heart goes out to those hurt by this. Seems more and more unlikely that this was not a planned event. There is nothing in this world scarier than a person with a broken brain.
  11. Everything by Steve Miller, but especially “Take the Money and Run.” I cringe every time I hear that awful line, “Bobbie Sue took the money and run.”
  12. Box of Moonlight has a cool soundtrack... Mexican Radio - Wall Of Voodoo Red Right Hand - Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds Blues Before Sunrise - Elmore James Big Black Sky - Chaser Too Much Tequila - The Champs Carioca - The Fireballs Wayward Nile - The Chantays Lost Time Blues - The Chrome Cranks Wheels Over Me - Die Haut Gun Control - Tom Dicillo And it's delivered in a cool way. The main character (John Turturro) rents a car and there's a randon mix tape left in there. The weird songs kind of guide him on his journey through the movie.
  13. Robert Quine is my favorite underrated guitar player. Just always came up with cool inventive phrases & sounds. Played with Richard Hell on both of his records and Lou Reed (Blue Mask and Legendary Hearts), Tom Waits (Rain Dogs) and other miscellaneous stuff. His masterpiece, in my opinion, is the Blank Generation album with Richard Hell & the Voidoids. 100% crazy, original, amazing stuff.
  14. They call I the hex (hexagonal) because in the final round of qualifying it's SIX teams left.
  15. Ha! Sorry, didn't mean to be depressing. Of course soccer has it's diving & faking, bad refs, etc... I just find myself enjoying soccer more and more. I love the flow of the game. It has a drama of its own that I just get into. When I watch a good soccer game, I find myself wishing there was more time left--I don't want it to end. Even a 0-0 draw can be hugely fun to watch for me. I don't feel that way so much with other sports. I do still like the NFL. If our team wasn't such a perennial failure, maybe I'd have more enthusiasm for football too.
  16. Could be that in 10 years, some top European players will want to come to the MLS. I'm not making a prediction, but that could very well be the case. And I don't just mean guys like Henry and Beckham doing farewell tours. I thought Bradley was a regular starter at Roma. And I disagree about Donovan. I'd love to see him back for the three qualifiers in June. If his time off helped him get hungry for the game again, I got no problem with it. He's Quality on the field.
  17. Good game last night. 0-0 draw, I’m sure would have bored many people to death, but I enjoyed it. Very good for the U.S. and Mexico is probably in a panic at not having won a hex game yet, including two at their precious Azteca. Some really excellent performances from Gonzalez and Besler, the two centerbacks. Very solid. I didn’t even really know who Besler was until he was called in last week. Very encouraging because the back line was the biggest question mark coming in. Bradley, as usual, was very good. Graham Zusi surprised me. I cringed when I saw he got the start again, but he played his heart out all over the field, winning balls and keeping posession. Brad Guzan looked great. Totally solid. Some soft spots: Geoff Cameron just looks shaky at times. Beasley worked his ass off, but he’s always had a clumsy touch in my opinion and he got beat a few times. He was lucky that Gonzalez and Besler were able to bail him out. Beasley won’t be in the mix when WC time comes. Everybody knows that and basically just appreciates that he’s still around to fill in for these very tough spots in qualifying. Maurice Edu got some praise from the commentators, but I just saw him making mistakes. Sloppy on the ball and he got very lucky to get away with that terrible tackle in the box. Probably should have been a penalty. Loved the game plan. They were able to keep enough offensive possession to take Mexico off their game a bit. The second half subs showed that Klinsmann was aiming to be aggressive and steal a late winner. It didn’t play out that way, but it was still effective in making a game of it and coming away with a point. I’m happy for Klinsmann as I think these two games will serve as a minor vindication for him in light of the recent criticisms. They got four points from these two tough games. And most importantly, the team played well together and showed a ton of guts. They look like they're going in the right direction.
  18. I love soccer. It has become my #1 sport to watch. I'm becoming increasingly bored with the commercial aspects of the other big sports. So so many commercials. Plus all the instant replay reviews that take forever. The commentary being entirely focused on whatever stupid narrative the network is pushing ("Is Tom Brady the best ever?" "Ray Lewis the wise old leader." "Peyton Manning, boy he really keeps 'em guessing with all those genius audibles." "Check out Ryan Fitzpatrick's wedding band. He went to Harvard, ya know. He's really smart." All the stupid explosions and jock rock that goes along with it all. The refs taking 10 minutes to figure out what happened and then giving a convoluted, long winded explanation to the fans. Gets annoying. The false starts. The last-second timeout to ice the kicker. etc...
  19. That was an awesome snow game. So glad they didn't suspend it. So fun to watch. Nearly impossible to evaluate the players though. The only thing you really have to go on is work rate & hustle. With that in mind, I liked the play of Goodson, Beasley, Bradley, Gomez, Altidore & Dempsey. Zusi never seemed to be involved much and Geoff Cameron gave the ball away too many times. Mexico Tuesday night. The popular opinion is that we'll be lucky to come away with a point. I'd rather see a more optimistic game plan, but it's never easy at Azteca. This (Mexico away) is the single most difficult game for us in all of qualifying.
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