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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I think morons are the true superheroes of today. With their superhuman skills of ignorance, entitlement and obliviousness, they are impervious to the problems of everyday life. I think Mr. Magoo should be the next big blockbuster superhero movie.
  2. So, on my iphone I clicked on this thread and instead of taking me to the last page, it started me at the beginning again. I couldn’t figure out how to easily get to the end again, so I actually re-read the first couple hundred pages. Guess what. It was actually kind of entertaining. We were all funnier back then.
  3. I know, right? I find a doctored "perfection" to be very boring.
  4. They gotta be kidding with the name of the detective: Major Johnson
  5. I procrastinated too, but I just did my small part. Cheers, Rock!
  6. The fact that casinos exist and flourish…I don’t know if there’s a better illustration of the profound stupidity and desperation of the human race. And I say this as a Bills fan.
  7. I think you should go take a poop in a manilla envelope and mail it to yourself. That's what I think.
  8. I honestly literally didn't even know Jackie Robinson was gay. That's how little that kind of thing matters to me.
  9. Please consider gringo starr for your thread winner. Thank you for your support.
  10. Only $124.24 on Amazon... http://www.amazon.com/Stuffed-Banana-Jamaican-Dreadlock-Rastafarian/dp/B009PDD9VU
  11. Just the one. Finally got something right--don't wanna push it.
  12. With the #8 pick in the 2013 NFL Draft, the Buffalo Bills select... Steve Holt!!
  13. Might as well make it a DRAUGHT DAY as well.
  14. Fine. It’s a tautology. Faith is Faith. And if I ask a proponent for clarification, they say, “you’ll know it when you know it.” Can’t be logically proven or disproven. I still say it’s a BS notion. There are those who claim to have knowledge of the divine and they claim this is attained not through evidence or logic and it’s not mere belief. They call it faith. I say they’re just giving a name to something that is just regular belief plus self-delusion. This is a psychological observation on my part. Of course, I could be wrong and there is something mystical at play that eludes me.
  15. When I hear something like this, I cringe. Sounds exactly like willful ignorance to my ears.
  16. I don't completely understand your question. I think the notion of will is very difficult. Hard to give an account of how it's possible, yet hard to reconcile our experience without it. It's an apparently dubious notion, kind of similar to faith. If I think a while about either, sometimes I retreat to the feeling that maybe we should just appreciate the mysteries of being alive. Which would be fine except I'm jolted back to skepticism by those who insist they're RIGHT about some particularly dangerous piece of dogma. (The current example being the true believer parents who keep murdering their children with divine neglect.)
  17. Wow, I'm slipping. In behind the guy who hasn't even been here for about two years.
  18. I know people like this. I admire anyone who possesses humility, kindness, bravery, peace. But none of this illuminates the empty designator [Faith]. It's possible for someone to have a belief that gives him strength or confidence or calm. Granted. However, that does not prove the truth of the thing believed, nor, more importantly, does it say anything about the mode of belief in question. (Very much in question in my opinion.) I'm surprised you don't see the distinction here.
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