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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'm annoyed by references to perfect breasts without visual evidence.
  2. I'm annoyed when a person wears white pants or a watch on inside of their wrist or when they say "incidences." Incidentally, I'm a J-e-f-f, so just back off a touch there, slappy.
  3. Watching gorgeous young women say hilariously dumb crap is hugely entertaining.
  4. Not exactly. For Beerball, my recommendation would be to just jam his grundle into a garbage disposal and turn it on for about 45 seconds.
  5. Mine was a little over a year ago. It was the "no scalpel." They make one very small cut and are able to finagle cutting both sides through that one incision. No stitches. The actual procedure took only about 15 minutes, but I can tell you that there were a couple brief moments of tremendous pain and discomfort. These only lasted a few seconds though as they smoosh stuff around to get the hole to line up right to make the second snip. I think my local anesthetic didn't work for me 100%, so it was not nearly as painless as advertised. Definitely take the advice of two days off your feet to recover. The circumstances of my life made it so I had to do a bunch of crap on day two and that made my discomfort last longer (about a week or so). Also, I had the weird but memorable experience of having my doctor actually stop for a second during the procedure and say "oh, schitt!" I told him that's not something a guy likes to hear during surgery on his balls. He apologized and said everything is ok. So it turned out fine for me, but I would not recommend this particular dr. to anyone, except maybe my douchebag boss.
  6. When it went from playing games to "gaming," that's where I got off.
  7. I think Kate Upton's genius is that she smiles in such a fun-loving way and does it with her whole body and being. She smiles in a way that makes you think she's smiling at YOU. And I (neanderthal that I am) fall for it completely.
  8. Yes. He's a pleasure to watch. He took over that game Tuesday night. Every time he touches the ball, good things happen. If not at Roma, he needs to be starting for a top club somewhere. I've only seen him play for the USMNT--maybe he is somehow not a good fit for the system at Roma. I can't fathom though that he would not be appreciated. His game has gone from good to world class in the last year or so.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is now the leading cause of death in Miami.
  10. Amazing that this Belinda tradition has lasted. Belinda pre-dates me and I've been around for 10 years.
  11. I think the teacher is kind of attractive. But under 14? Good god, that's really heinous.
  12. Fig, what the hell have you done? I hope Marilu Henner is ok.
  13. I am still the same dipschitt you have grown to lovingly tolerate.
  14. The crowd was really great. Michael Bradley called it the best atmosphere for a USMNT game that he's ever experienced. Taylor Twellman said on the broadcast that it raised the hairs on the back of his neck. They had strong chants going all throughout. Pretty gool. The players definitely appreciated it. Big props to Seattle.
  15. Excellent game. Best I've seen them play as a unit in a while. I can't name a single player that did not have a good game. Cameron had some boneheaded passes to nobody going forward, especially in the first half, but he handled his number one responsibility perfectly and that was to work with Bradley to control the middle of the field. That was the key to the game. Bradley was dominant. Men of the match: Bradley, Altidore, Besler. Honorable mention: Eddie Johnson, Geoff Cameron (both surprised me with their quality) Panama looked clumsy and lost, so I think that helped the USA look so good. Nevertheless, Klinsy's choices have paid off and we're back in good position in the Hex. Next up: Honduras in Utah on June 18.
  16. Damn, you can't argue with science like that.
  17. Jozy has been very good lately. Tomorrow will be a good test for him too, because Panama on the road will be looking to crowd their own 18 and bunker in for a draw. Jermaine Jones has a concussion and is out. He has been really great in central midfield the last couple games. His pairing with Bradley is about the only consistent thing going for this team. His replacement will probably be Geoff Cameron moving up from his regular back line position. I guess he did well there late in Jamaica the other night although I didn't get to see it (damn you to hell BeIn Sports for hijacking the TV rights!). It's also possible that Stuart Holden could get that spot next to Bradley. If it is Holden, I think USMNT fans will have a collective orgasm in their pants.
  18. It would be nice if Donovan were available for tomorrow night vs. Panama. USA is dangerously thin at the wings. Graham Zusi has been doing well on the right, but he's suspended for this one. Brek Shea would be nice, but he's out of the squad for an injury. The options at this point are Eddie Johnson, Fabian Johnson, Demarcus Beasley, Sasha Klejstan, Brad Davis, Joe Corona. These guys don't inspire a ton of confidence. My guess is that Klinsmann will bring Demarcus Beasley up from left back into a more attacking left wing position, with F. Johnson taking that spot on the back line. On the right wing, probably Joe Corona will get a chance. By the way, Altidore is not hurt. He is expected to play tomorrow night.
  19. History will remember you well. Beerball The Valiant, champion of post #15,573
  20. "You love to be a victim. You love the United States prime time victim show."
  21. Just thought of another one: Modest Mouse They tarnished their catalogue I think with their last two releases, but their earlier stuff is truly great. The albums Lonesome Crowded West and The Moon and Antarctica are masterpieces.
  22. I know the Kills. I like them. Not as much as you do, but they are pretty cool.
  23. JW, you're Kills write-up brings to mind another very very underrated band: Royal Trux
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