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Everything posted by Warriorspikes51

  1. Wonder if a Tre White restructure or Poyer extension is coming
  2. Not a fan of this. I don't see what Sweeney brings other than untimely drops and being liked in the room
  3. Beane and Sean obviously originally valued the word of their player more than a Jane Doe. And shouldn't that be their default response in a situation like this? Otherwise, players would lose trust in them.... They could be weary that any accusation of wrong against them would result in immediate condemnation
  4. Not sure I agree. He is a massive target
  5. Pau'u and Josh Thomas to PS maybe?
  6. FAKE NEWS is proved again and again every day. Real Journalism and a desire to report the truth is dead in this nation among mainstream
  7. Okay, I keep hearing most people talking about how Howard hasn't shown anything and many seem to want him cut or traded if there's any takers. Am I alone in thinking he actually looked sneaky good? He's shown good blocking. He's been lined up out wide and the few times he was thrown the ball he made plays including the TD. in Carolina he had a red zone route where he absolutely exploded off the snap I see him as being TE2 and a regular factor in red zone due to his size. I would also keep Morris Thoughts?
  8. I see Jay Skurski, Matt Fairburn and others are showing themselves to be FAKE NEWS. These clowns live for this crap
  9. is this speculation or do you know something
  10. Didn’t anyone notice that OJ Howard often lined up outwide and looked fast running routes? He is a big target for the red zone. I would not cut him. Knox Howard Morris Sweeney can be traded to NYG for a 7th or be PS
  11. Really? Beane? Come on…parties involved likely lied to the Bills.
  12. Am I the only one that saw OJ Howard’s explosiveness on that route?
  13. If he performs very well tonight, they should really consider keeping him. He has an "it" factor to me
  14. Amazing isn't it? So many want immediate condemnation for something they don't even know is true. I wonder if they'll be the ones begging for Mercy if it's there turn
  15. everything in today's society is immediate OUTRAGE before the actual truth is even known.
  16. No one here is denying that happened....it's whether or not he had anything to do with it/was there
  17. It's amusing many of the people who chime in on a topic like this and want to see immediate punishment.....are the same people who say "Judge not" when they are questioned about anything
  18. It seems extremely unprofessional for a lawyer to post a client's journal on social media
  19. Perhaps one day you'll be in a situation where someone "throws the book" at you for something you never did......
  20. Because most people are programmed by the News Media. All it takes is one story to come out. Then a blue check twitter person makes a comment on it and suddenly you have thousands of parrots everywhere waving whatever new flag they're supposed to
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