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Everything posted by MafiaSouth

  1. It wasn't the alignment as much as it was the idiotic blitz called and the failure to (1). blitz the correct gap (2). maintain that gap and don't run past the event and (3). make the tackle...All three were unforced errors...
  2. What's so sad is the number of people here who actually believe Pegula made those comments. Seriously folks? How gullible are you people?
  3. Yeah I don't think a reminder is needed.
  4. Seriously? Another hypothetical dividing question. When you come up with something positive, let us know. Focussing on reasons to fire the current head coach is just what Bills fans need... Nothing like enjoying the moment.
  5. Correction, drank like a mammal
  6. You people here actually want someone fired over this? Clueless. Micro-managers. Always looking for a reason to blame someone else. It's over. It's a game. It's not life or death. For the last two plus years every time something wasn't perfect, you people here just post and complain. Miserable!
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