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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. I agree, three weeks in a row is a problem that needs to be addressed
  2. Figures, CBS is so far behind Fox in HD it's pathetic. At least next week we get the gome on FOX HD.
  3. No pass rush, uncovered receivers and screw ups on special teams led to this loss, you can't put it all on the offense.
  4. My first 20 mins of the game was unwatchable due to skipping on Directv, same problem last week. Not sure if it's CBS or Directv's fault.
  5. You can't put this all on Losman, Maghee has to pick up a blitz better, receivers have to get open and where was our pass rush?
  6. Directv isn't listing it yet, any idea what channel?
  7. Check your dates, I think I've been a member alot longer than you
  8. Stupid Coaching: 4th and 1 Stupid Penalties: Royal Can't stop the run Welcome to the 2005...er..2006 bills
  9. Kirwan was the one at training camp that told KH he hoped he would get the job. Gil Brandt actually picked the Bills to be the surprise team this year.
  10. I also thought he had two years left on his contract.
  11. I haven't heard anyone mention seeing Ralph at camp this year. Any sightings?
  12. Sirius radio will be at camp today starting at 10 am channel 124
  13. I'm impressed with the Bills Multimedia site, at least us out of towners can get something. I can't believe how far Howard Simon has slipped since his days on Empire. Bring back Artie baby boo boo
  14. Sirius is reporting that LeCharles Bently has been caerted off the field with a soft cast on his knee.
  15. I know this is off topic, but what is the status of the new Bass Pro at the AUD?
  16. Anyone know Marv's E-Mail? I think I want to send him a little note
  17. I agree, I'm afraid the only way things will turn around for this team is with a new owner. I respect Ralph for hanging in there this long, but his decisions have been questionable the last few years.
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