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Everything posted by ALLinALLEN

  1. Amazed by this team every single game/year
  2. Horrible call
  3. 12 point favorites. That’s all I have to lean on right now. We look unprepared. Was scared about us heading west as big favorites vs a team with a new coach. Obviously still confident but this is the exact start I did NOT want.
  4. Why do we have fournette returning kicks? What are we doing? We think this is gonna be a friggin walk through
  5. Please run it this drive. Cook featured zero times last series.
  6. Made some in the air fryer last night....local wings down where I am all suck for the most part plus I love the process. Little baking POWDER on them prior, and then putting the sauce in the fridge before tossing them are two tricks. Still nothing like Buffalo's.
  7. If so and IF hyde, poyer, and tre are all gone....and notwithstanding reid the LS....does that make JA the longest tenured Bill?
  8. Of course they do, right before they play us and get 10 days rest and at home.
  9. Martin is done. That punt from midfield or whatever at the start of the 4th Q was terrible. It was caught AND returned from their 15. Any other decent kicker has that corner kicked or down to the 5.
  10. Murray never had possession and if you disagree you’re a homer. I was shocked.
  11. ngl I'm dying at some of the memes from this. The Bills logo with the Osama head has me rolling laughing.
  12. I am literally at a loss of words for the 9/11 comments. He compared coming together like terrorists and wanted that for his football team? I’m living in a simulation reading that. Wtf
  13. For a second I thought McCourty was the guy in the vieo and I was like damn he blew up quick 🤣
  14. Funniest comments: Someone suggesting moving our current number 1 corner (Benford) to Safety Someone suggesting moving Elam to safety Someone confident in a tandem of Benford/Hamlin at safety
  15. We’re in the “Slightly better than Marvin Lewis” Bills era. Neat-o!
  16. When did I say that was me? Weird.
  17. We're going to be the Lions and have to trade Allen to a superbowl contender so we can see him win arent we? I joke but were halfway there in years....
  18. I think the real reason he didnt push the 20 seconds there for a FG was because he was terrified of an Allen pick. I think that's a terrible reason NOT to try to win , but it's certainly a reason.
  19. Yeah I mean it's a postgame presser Sean of course it's hindsight. Were doomed with him.
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