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Everything posted by DrBob806

  1. What? Trolling? It's an opinion. The Kelly years were good. K-Gun was great in the regular season, good enough to rule the AFC, that's it. Cincy tried to mimic it with the Sugar Huddle, the Oilers with Run & Shoot. Neither of their QBs pointed the finger at their team mates for coming up short.
  2. That's when I realized Kelly was over rated, hate to say it.
  3. No. Last year hurt more than this year. The NFL really tried to appease to the Bills & the static/turmoil that surrounded them (snow game moved to a dome, Hamlin incident), and they simply laid an egg at home vs Cincy. Horrible. This year I didn't expect anything after losing to middling teams. It does suck, because Baltimore is/was beatable. It simply was not in the cards this season. PS- some here are obsessed with Burrow as well, I don't get it. Cincy wasn't going to do anything either, even if he stayed healthy.
  4. Yep. I see some are bashing Mayfield here. One has to wonder if any other of the 2018 QB prospects would have survived a guy like Hue Jackson like Mayfield did. Mayfield's attitude was the only thing that saved him, I give him a lot of credit for that. In case you're in disagreement there, remember he had Nick Chubb on the bench for an aging Carlos Hyde.
  5. Lol, correct. On the flip side, if SF wins, then it pisses off Steeler fans, they'd have 6 SBs also. Win-win!!
  6. I could see a day where they eliminate divisions (I doubt most fans would like that). There's little chance they'd expand the schedule beyond 18 games (it's probably coming in a new CBA down the road). The NFL is such a machine, but out of respect to the other major sports, they wouldn't want to overlap more than they already do, and when the teams get the injury bug, the product suffers. Realistically, out of the 14 playoff teams this season, maybe 4 or 5 were "healthy."
  7. The NFL scheduling formula is presently brilliant. It was even better when it was just 16 games. Yes, there are quirks, like some divisions can have "down year(s)," but it's great for the fans, especially the opposing conference match ups by division. Before 1978, AFC/NFC games didn't rotate like they do now. We also have rotating AFC vs AFC, NFC vs NFC by divisions. You may not be old enough to know, but there was a period where the NFC won 13 SBs is a row, late 80s into the 90s. A lot of this stuff is by chance/luck. I wouldn't ruin a good thing. Correct. The Chiefs are dominant because they presently have the best coach & the best QB. The scary thing is their defense has truly improved.
  8. The 49ers are soft. They pulled out wins vs inexperienced Green Bay & Detroit, got pushed around vs the AFC North this season. Prepare for another KC win.
  9. He sure could be, but holding out hope Allen could win one.
  10. Fran Tarkenton Dan Fouts Brian Sipe Warren Moon
  11. Yes. Cleveland's curse is truly Art Modell. Buys the team in 1963, fires arguably the greatest coach of all time (Paul Brown), goes bankrupt in a football crazed city, moves the team & fires Bellichick (who had the Browns on the right path). Can we throw the Minnesota Vikings into this curse too? Another tortured fan base...Lake Superior is cold lol.
  12. Lamar @$52 million a year & being a minority has much to do with all this MVP talk. Yeah, I said it (wrote it lol). Lamar is good. Compared to the top-tier QBs, he's maybe 5th or 6th. But he's not an MVP.
  13. It's an obsession with offense in general. Outstanding defensive players who get double-teamed constantly but still impact the game get ignored (Garrett, Watt) unless they play in NYC ("Revis Island", LT).
  14. All KC had to do is run the tapes on how Pitt, Cle, & Cincy handle Lamar. It's difficult, because he always finds a way to make plays, but in general bullrush pressure on him is the way to go
  15. That's been their "mantra" since Ray Lewis. They employ thugs. Zay Flowers pretty much handed the game to KC. Taunting on a reception ( taunting is a cultural Ratbirds trait), the ever-boneheaded reach for the goal line fumble. But Lamar is the MVP lol. Wow, he didn't do a whole lot out there.
  16. Correct. That team has always been annoying, starting with how they got there (Modell), Ray Lewis at a murder scene, & the ugliest uniforms ever.
  17. This How it continues to happen, wow. PS- Herbert might become a top 10 QB, but he's not now. I cannot figure out why he's so hyped. Is it because he's in LA? 30 wins 32 losses.
  18. Marty You can't be serious. 200-126-1 in his career. Two things stand out to me on Marty....1) he just had problems vs Elway obviously, and 2) he was 100% spot on about Drew Brees. Remember, they fired him because he didn't want Philip Rivers as his starting QB, he wanted Brees.
  19. Ok, I interpreted as if Allen was with another team, he'd have a SB win by now. Right, Allen definitely has the skills to lead to a SB win, but there's obviously so many other factors. That's why I put together that list. Sometimes it's just as simple as playing a superior team in an era, like KC.
  20. C'mon now, that's kind of crazy. There's a long list of great QBs that never won a title. Off the top of my head: Marino Moon Tarkenton Fouts Kosar Esiason Cunningham McNabb Ken Anderson Rivers There's a sad reality Allen never wins one. Elway didn't win one until his 15th season. Sucks to write that, but it's perspective.
  21. +1 Yeah, it sucks coming up short when the team is so close.
  22. Nope. The Bills were a vastly superior team to Cincy & blew it plain and simple.
  23. The NFL, particularly the AFC is littered with these kinds of stories over the years (decades). Raiders in the 70s were fantastic, but Miami & Pittsburgh Cleveland in the 80s, but Denver, Cincy Colts, Steelers in the 2000s/2010s, but New England Bills presently, but Chiefs Going forward, who knows. The AFC is really tough, and typically a few playoff teams don't even make the playoffs the following season. Lots of "what-ifs" ahead for many teams.
  24. Bills did a good job playing "keep away," had the ball for 37 minutes. Sounds like a real good formula, turns out wrong again. Hate to say it, KC simply is better & more clutch.
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