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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. You might be worse. That's pretty bad........
  2. Material costs is up a bunch as well. Can't help increase supply if it's too expensive to build.
  3. It seems like it, dude has absolutely maxed out his frame muscle wise.
  4. Looting and rioting? That's a Democrat policy.
  5. The only god the left believes in is the establishment.
  6. Wierd way to say illegal immigration is bad, but I agree. Illegal immigration is a net negative for our country.
  7. Reality is hard. Sorry for u.
  8. Imagine typing this and believing men can menstruate. Good times, the best of times.
  9. The nuclear family has been in decline in the inner cities since the 50's. Incentivising single mother hood is a net loss for the African American community. It made me a 1000000 percent better person.
  10. Hey dude, my mom was addicted to drugs. Me and my sister raised ourselves and we are both productive members of society. It's possible. How did we make it if it's impossible? I will never buy your never ending sob stories.
  11. You can't guarantee everyone starts at the same point, the only thing you can guarantee is that the journey is similar. And it is.
  12. Lol you still failed to answer the question. I'll end this convo, there are a multitude of different factors that go into socioeconomic conditions, equal opportunity can never be a realistic outcome. Never, play the hand you were dealt, I did.
  13. Nobody's trapped dude. Dems keep trying to destroy the nuclear family. How does that help inner city folk?
  14. Oh genius, who doesn't have equal opportunity?
  15. Equal opportunity is a myth. If you are alive, you have an opportunity. Holy ***** man do u actually live in the real world?
  16. Care to explain your democrat perfect new world delusions? A world where boys need tampons? Spl is a joke.
  17. But it hasn't, you just wish it was. CNN is running with it, sorry it bothers u.
  18. Tampons, stolen Valor, 2020 riots is nothing? Sure dude, how green is the sky in your world. Oh yeah illegals getting drivers licenses? Pick one.
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