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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. You are literally whining in this post. If you believe that the government and experts were truthful and did a good job with covid, that's your opinion. As time goes on, it seems they were way off base, or purposely misleading the public.
  2. Leave it to the experts like covid......how did that end up working out? I don't want to do that again.
  3. The only thing i have accepted is that you are a complete moron. Have a great day!
  4. Did u seriously post this? You have no legs to stand on. Lieutenant dan!
  5. Do yourself a favor and just stop posting. Calling me dumb but you blindly support sleepy joe. Irony is strong with this one.
  6. Annnd there is the left in a nutshell. I would wish bad things on you but your already a Democrat so.
  7. You would have missed the point even if it hit u right in the forehead.
  8. How does that compare to chicago and other urban areas? Didn't read the article.
  9. Please point to this rural gun problem? Forgot reading all about the shootouts and innocent bystanders getting hit in the cornfields of Nebraska.
  10. I mean this the nicest way possible, maybe it's you who doesn't understand medicine or politics? To be fair you do side with billstime on many subjects and he's certifiably bat ***** crazy. You talk as if your stance is bulletproof.
  11. Why do you feel it necessary to personally attack people you disagree with? Straight out the billsy playbook.
  12. Seems like Josh just prefers to throw to the WR's. I believe he targets Knox as frequent as Mckenzie. We are ranked last in percentage IIRC. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/targets-distribution/
  13. I think before introducing new laws we should try to enforce the laws we have. Most of these situations could've been avoided if we didn't ignore the numerous red flags most of these types of people present well ahead of shooting some place up. But yeah more gun laws.
  14. This has got to be the most rational thing you have ever posted.
  15. He's obviously tougher than biden lol. Trump had 4 years to deliver Ukraine on a platter to russia if he wanted to or was a Russian asset.......but it never happened.
  16. I am convinced you receive 10 cents every time you post this meme. We all got to make a living, can't knock the hustle.
  17. Comon man! Everyone knows its normal to smell womens hair when greeting them!
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