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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. They will? You and roundy get your talking points from the same mouth piece. Europe should have shouldered the burden from the beginning, not the US. This is not our problem.
  2. Why doesn't Europe contribute more? Try answering without using Trump, putin, or maga. Thanks. Why haven't they already?
  3. Give me a break. The meeting went south soon after he said that. Zelensky has no leverage and he knows that. No more money. Why doesn't Europe contribute more?
  4. The left still can't meme. Maybe Europe should step up and contribute more.
  5. Believe what you want, this is America. I don't agree.
  6. This is completely laughable. The dudes a marine and would wipe the floor with you within 3 seconds. What is wrong with people?
  7. It's that time of the month huh roundy? Soo emotional.
  8. If this is your take away, you should definitely smoke less meth.
  9. They are going to invade tomorrow without a doubt. Lolz
  10. You are absolutely hysterical. China isn't going to do *****. Want to bet?
  11. Are you going to hit him with your purse?
  12. Why should we? Oh now you're an expert on dementia? How convenient.
  13. Love seeing these Ukraine bootlickers crying. Give me a break.
  14. Just like the previous president you voted for. Moron.
  15. This thread is like yelling into a canyon.
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