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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Bro u seem like a very miserable person regardless of the escapades you claim to partake in. I love how every maga in your mind is overweight and a welfare leech. Seems like you need to do some more exploring in the good old us of a.
  2. Yeah everyone knows opposing more money to Ukraine = putin loverz......winning lolz your the best internet clown I know congrats
  3. We already have a process for legal immigration........how old are u?
  4. By good foreign policy do u mean f it let everyone in? Cause that's what is currently happening. Nobody is arguing against immigration, just illegal immigration.
  5. So illegal immigration is a big nothing burger in your opinion?
  6. So there is no border issue? Don't understand your logic.....strange.
  7. I don't need to read your article to know that we have a huge issue regarding the security of our southern border. But nice try, moronic reply.
  8. If you're against Hillary, someone might do that last part for you......allegedly
  9. Maybe u should keep huffing glue.....seems to be a good fit.
  10. How bout a medal cookie 🍪? You seem like a blast to be around. With everything being awesome you would think lefties would be happier. Miserable peoplw
  11. I've been a accused of being maga 37 times a day here by our resident lefties but I'm under 40 hmmmmm doesn't check out. Like Biden if you don't vote for me u ain't black? Come on man!
  12. Didn't passing the ball to Barkley cause the pick 6?
  13. 2% brain function constitutes some mental decline lol please. The dude is a husk of a person at this point. Like him or not at least Trump can complete sentences.
  14. He is a troll, plain and simple. Don't waste your time........
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