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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. U claimed Biden doesn't say crazy things....that's all I'm pointing out. I didn't vote for Trump, I don't condone anything he says. It's just crazy how bad he damaged the resident lefties here. What nutshell? Biden says equally as crazy things as trump?
  2. If you don't vote for me u ain't black......ring a bell?
  3. Biden is a beacon of lucidity and clear thoughts.........
  4. Take off your tin foil hat and step away from the keyboard.....you leftys have officially lost it........whatever it was.
  5. Honestly, compared to a lot of posters I basically just dip my toe in and make fun of billsly. What's wrong with early dinner lol
  6. Well Joe does say some dumb things.....it happends Nice try, I'm 38..... swing and a misssssssssssss
  7. Is it worse than Joe Biden telling African American voters their not black if they didn't vote for him. Trump says stupid things, Biden is just stupid Aren't you from canada?
  8. Stop talking about Trump. I didn't vote for him.....just because Biden shat himself again this morning doesn't make me maga. Get a better hobby
  9. I challenge you to not post about Trump for a week. I betcha you can't.
  10. Can't you just be happy? The bills won, we have a clear thinking leader in the white hou......sorry couldn't finish that last sentence without laughing hysterically.
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