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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. The difference is that the middle east hates foreign occupation in their land. We tried democracy in Iraq and it failed horribly. They would rather have a dictator than be ruled by the west.
  2. It's a different situation. Didn't the us have to do alot of heavy lifting to help japan? The us invested around 2.2 billion to help Japan, in the 50s
  3. Maybe I don't want to take it.......you bring little to no substance or originality in any of your post and I guarantee we are all collectively dumber because we have to read the mental throwup you call thoughts.
  4. Can somebody please swing the ban hammer on this troll?
  5. Maaaannn, you almost........almost had it.
  6. Unfortunately democracy isn't a cure all, especially in the middle east.
  7. There are no peaceful solutions. They will keep fighting until one side ceases to exist. There is no wiggle room.
  8. There is no black and white answer.....that was the point of my post, which you missed completely.
  9. Honestly, the only end to this is if one of the groups no longer occupies the area.........there is no easy answer that doesn't involve loss of life. It's sad, the only real losers are all the civilians.
  10. Holy crap, today I learned something from tibs. Did hell freeze over? Good post.
  11. What not to agree on? It was self defense and nothing more.
  12. Define well educated........that doesn't equate college graduate.
  13. I'm dumb.......but you voted for biden......comon man!
  14. Why so harsh? You have posted wayyyy dumber stuff.
  15. Can u please stop speaking for us.......sincerely everyone
  16. Congratulations, you have officially reached billsy level, where you post and talk to yourself! London games are a hassle.
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