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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. J6 was worse? My god you are sooooooooooooooo far gone. He bombed a building with people inside you ***** animal.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/prague-university-shooting-leaves-several-dead-police-say-2023-12-21/ Discuss!
  3. Yup, you're the smartest guy in this thread. Congratulations!!
  4. Well then spell it out for me wise one...and u didn't answer, you just deflected.
  5. Great, but you didn't answer the question because you already know the answer. If Palestine had the capability to wipe Isreal off the map, they would no questions asked.
  6. Hey guy if Palestine had the firepower Israel has, would Israel exist as a country? The answer is no of course not......so just stop all of your non sense.
  7. Keep defending hamas bro, it's a good look you. You should go away......
  8. Ahh yes, woke Palestinian supporters are the best. Keep up the good work, hamas thanks u!
  9. my grandfather once said never go full ######. And it's only monday!
  10. How dare he confront you with facts....haha you will eat up anything this current regime tells you to.
  11. Based on your posts, can't be worse than you. Hatred is never a good thing. You seem increasingly unhinged lately. Hope you get the help you need.
  12. So how's the economy booming? Based on what exactly? Go shopping lately? You seem to be too old to be this naive.
  13. Only someone who lives in their parents basement would believe that the economy is booming.....but go off king.
  14. You need to get out more.....seriously
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