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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. I have no idea what you're talking about. What I stated are facts, coincidence or not. Have a good night, I'm clearly not going to change your mind.
  2. Claim to believe what you will but the fact of the matter is putin didn't do ***** when Trump was president. He did take Crimea under Obama, and started a war with Ukraine under Biden, those are facts.
  3. Texas doesn't want any of them, that's the point. It seems like alot of these dem sanctuary cities don't want them either.
  4. Ehh I don't know you personally, but you seem kind of unhinged when it comes to Trump. You went on a tirade for no apparent reason.
  5. Voter farming? Maybe maybe not. But illegals get counted in the census, and that does determine how things are allocated.
  6. But you are showing yourself to be one with your crazy Trump posts. It's hard to have an honest conversation with people like that, no offense.
  7. Never thought I would see the day where dialog would be considered scary, but here we are.
  8. I really don't understand. Trumps the devil, but they vote for a a turnip whose been in politics for 40 plus years and hasn't accomplished anything, plus there are multiple quotes of him saying racist stuff for a while now. But trumps the racist? If you don't vote for me, u ain't black! Trump(probably)
  9. Damn, I thought we were on to some genuine dialog. Then you veered left down the Trump rabbit hole. Maybe next time.
  10. Based on the numbers, the threat can't be that high. Unless I'm missing something?
  11. Russia is running out of money, their economy is *****. They are not as big of a threat as you perceive. I support helping Ukraine, but there has to be a limit. Other countries could definitely do more(looking at you Canada).
  12. You should probably go outside and get some fresh air. God forbid somebody asks putin questions. He's not the boogeyman.
  13. Sure, let's give em a blank check, us citizens don't need any help at home. If Russia is such a problem, wouldn't European countries be going broke giving to Ukraine? We have given them plenty https://www.statista.com/chart/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/ Military aid sent to Ukraine already surpassed the cost of Afghanistan https://www.statista.com/chart/29375/us-military-aid-to-ukraine-compared-to-past-wars/
  14. What are u so afraid of? Honest question.
  15. I lived in New Mexico for 6 years. Met some really cool people of Mexican and native decent, who im still friends today. I oppose illegal immigration, so I must hate brown people( liberal logic)
  16. What's a classic maga? Can't I be a progressive maga? Or even better maga from the future?
  17. You're killing it with the 2nd grade comebacks! Give yourself a pat on the back.
  18. If these people we interact with are a sample of the moden day democrat voter, no wonder we're headed in the wrong direction. Children, all of them.
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