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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. If that's what you got from that post, reading comprehension is not your friend. He stated that most Americans don't know much about him which is true. Doesn't claim putins gonna spill all the gossip like a school girl. What are u expecting? Putin to go all dr evil, announcing his plans for world domination?
  2. #2 for sure. Russia is close to being broke and their economy sucks. Even if they took Ukraine and wanted Poland, they most likely couldn't afford it.
  3. What's so scary about an interview?
  4. Yeah the war on terror went great right? Once again, none of this has anything to do with putin and Trump. You keep coming back to this like it's some kind of proof that Trump is weak. Believe that if you want, I'm done with this conversation.
  5. Strong? No smart? Yes.........retaliation would mean war........doesn't seem like a great idea. And what data are u talking about? The point we didn't retaliate the retaliation? I think you should stop for tonight. So war with iran? Got it.
  6. God forbid you actually have an intellect conversation. Might have to figure out how this block feature works because you are a net negative to this message board incapable of rational thought or dialog. It's scary to think people like this exist.
  7. If he did strike back, you could see how the conflict would never end right. I would consider the beef over. We strike, they retaliate end of conflict. Other than that are you suggesting war with iran?
  8. How many more people do we have coming across the boarder as opposed to 2020????? A ***** ton more, an immigration policy should deter illegal immigration correct?
  9. You still have failed to provide any evidence on why putin didn't become an aggressor under the Trump administration. No even a good theory. Agree to disagree then, it's all good.
  10. OK I'll play, didn't we kill soulmani first and what you're referring to was the retaliation? So we just keep the conflict going?
  11. And this has what to do with putin? Seems like u have a axe to grind with Trump, looking for justification.
  12. If that's your claim that Trump couldn't control illegal immigration, how's Biden doing? A complete dumpster fire you would agree no?
  13. OK I'm going to flip it on you. Care to explain how putin invaded before and after Trump, but not during? And please stop going on about the 34 casualties, it has no relevance to this conversation. Psst we've already gave more to Ukraine than the total cost of Afghanistan.
  14. Biden has putin on the mat? Everything else you said is you veering off course again. You want to know why putin didn't do ***** while Trump was president? It's because Trump scared world leaders shitless. He didn't give a flying ***** about optics and was very unpredictable and unhinged. Do u really want to test that? Trump was on stage during a debate telling Ted Cruz he had a dog wife. Trump was a true wild card for better of worse, and I don't think you want to play a game of chicken with a leader like that.
  15. If Trump was so weak, putin would have done whatever he wanted, end of story. Period. There would've been nothing preventing him. By your statement, Biden and Obama are weak. How long was putin eyeing Crimea and Ukraine? It was calculated.
  16. I don't know what world you're living in, but alot of people get offending by everything, especially "traditional snowflakes" remember statues are threatening my safe space.
  17. This may seem crude, but why should Americans give a flying ***** about nato? Would these countries pour in billions to us if we needed it? Russia would only be a problem if they tried to invade the us, aaannd good luck with that.
  18. To be fair, i still have no idea what you're trying to get at?What does this have to do with the fact that putin chose military aggression when Obama and Biden were in office, but not Trump? Make it make sense.
  19. Logic would seem to tell you that. If Trump was putins friend, as alleged, wouldn't he have given him what he wanted with little resistance. This is the flaw in their argument.
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