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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Me not wanting to spiral into another war in the middle east is me supporting terrorists attacks? Got it! Continue huffing glue.
  2. I'm done with u. Have fun down your rabbit hole.
  3. Once again ***** China. They are the reason the economy is bad around the world due to their lab leaked Covid. But their economy is in shambles, like they deserve.
  4. It wasn't naked aggression, it was retaliation. Thinking is hard.
  5. Biden has had a few years to remove the Chinese tariffs if he wanted to, but he hasn't. How is that helping the American consumer?
  6. Want his jock? You're the obsessed one unable to rationalize a clear and concise thought. Good day sir. I'm done with u. Once again, you're campaigning for war, and war has already cost this country plenty.
  7. They dont. The problem is you assume this article is correct. Can't be too confidential if it's being published? Seems fishy.
  8. I will do, in the meantime, do u have a quick cliff note summary?
  9. You act like this is set in stone. How was this "confidential " plan even found out? Seems fishy, but ANYTHING to smear Trump am I right?
  10. The whole process is a shame. If you're talented, the nfl will find u.
  11. So you can predict the future? Good for u. Once again if you're so bothered, don't watch. Still slower. Beneath you? Your a dem, no telling how low you can sink. They wouldn't last a down vs Bubba "spare tire" dixon, that's for sure! Spell better and I might take you more seriously. I haven't watched it, maybe when I'm done with work.
  12. Do u have me confused with someone else? I'm definitely not a leftist. And who gives a f about spelling, it's a message board. And what did I even spell wrong?
  13. Aaannndd you have no clue who al bundy is? If u did it would all make sense. Calling Trump weak for not retaliating a retaliation is a weird hill to die on, but u do u. I really don't care. And they are not facts but your opinion, and a rather weak one at that. Your broken and it shows.
  14. If people are so bothered, don't watch.
  15. Riiigght! But you voted for Biden so you have to be smart. You don't like putin, don't watch the interview. You don't have to cry faux outrage like a grown baby. You slower son. You just can't help yourself. Show me on the doll where Trump hurt you. It's laughable at this point.
  16. Hey guy, do u you know what makes a good interview? Mystery. I'll admit, I don't know ***** about putin except he scores 20 goals when he plays hockey. Might learn something new but nobody is expecting to get inside secrets.
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