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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Walk in unchallenged? Stop holding on to something that isn't true. He showed aggression during Obama and Biden, but you're super sure Trump would have rolled right over? Riiggght. Of course it's tuckers fault. Have to blame someone. Maybe because like most of the world......Russia strongly disliked Hillary.
  2. Why did putin invade under Biden? Since we're moving goal posts.
  3. This is how we got Biden, this is not the way. Vote for policies, not people.
  4. If anything, this should signal its time to shift more resources toward offense and let our defensive minded hc coach em up on the defensive side.
  5. "She must be confusing the nfl for the wfl. Common mistake lol
  6. I mean you didn't answer the question. As for your last sentence....are you having a stroke? Yeah like invade Ukraine.......oops that happened under your fearless leader.
  7. If other countries don't contribute more guess who doesn't benefit? The United States. Why do we contribute the most?
  8. Rules for thee, not for me. Experts can be bought, should be the conclusion. See covid.
  9. For the idiots in the back again, putin showed no aggression in going after what he wanted during trumps presidency. Can't say the same for the presidents before or after. Leaders don't test strong or crazy, they test weak.
  10. Well u defend a turnip any chance you get so.........
  11. If age is his superpower, bicycles and staircases are definitely his Kryptonite.
  12. Oh please righteous one. Care to share your daily battles against racism?
  13. I've been enjoying my break from you, but I will chime in to tell you to ***** off. I'm not religious, so I wouldn't send them there either. Enjoy your miserable existence.
  14. Things like this make me sort of glad I don't have kids. If you do, get them out of public schools asap.
  15. So what makes Palestine's right to defend themselves justified to u but not isreals? When you support hamas, ***** around and find out.
  16. So they can't defend themselves from a terrorist group that wants to wipe them from existence?
  17. Almost as sad as you. Imagine being a grown ass man and choosing this as your personal crusade.
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