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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. He's hating on the other boogeyman, mega white Christian nationalists. How do people seriously live like this? The worst part is they believe they are superior and intelligent.
  2. To be fair, you can't even put a number on your fear. You should worry about the economy, or the massive amount of people pouring in from our southern border, oh wait. But UBER Christians are the issue, got it.
  3. So this is a big nothing burger, but fear sells so, buy up I guess. Btw I'm not religious at all.
  4. Sigh, what percentage of Christians do these nationalists make up? What the hell is a Christian national anyway? Fear sells and you my friend are buying.
  5. Except the subjugation of women and utter destruction of any other religion, sure
  6. I'm not sure how dense you really are. Nobody, I mean nobody on this message board fears immigrants. There is a process, a legal process. Is it broken? Probably, but until that is fixed, no sane person wants tons of unvetted people coming over the border every day. Most are honest and hardworking, but not all. When you increase the overall numbers by a good amount, naturally the number of bad also increases. I want things in life too, sometimes you have to wait.
  7. One day will be able to look at things rational, without living in candyland. One day. The overload of people does.
  8. Once again, we just don't want them here illegally. How many migrants do u house? That's right, you're a hypocrite.
  9. It's not that simple. You're clearly biased and have an agenda. It's plain as day, we as a country cannot support this massive influx of undocumented people. I'm not afraid of brown people, I lived in New Mexico for 6 years for ***** sake.
  10. Aww numbers got your feelings hurt. Black peoples #1 obstacle is themselves and their culture. Not police, not the man holding them down.
  11. No sense in arguing when you assume everyone that doesn't support the dem party is maga extreme or whatever bs you spout off.
  12. Ever watch married with children? If you did it would make sense.
  13. But I didn't vote for Trump. Stop trying to fit everyone into your personal box.
  14. And there you go proving my point. Stereotyping is bad. Jan 6 was bad and anyone there was an idiot. Is your head going to explode?
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