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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. How so? It was a terrible bill, not sure how you can argue against that? I don't care if Moses was an architect. The many is because of failed dem policies brought to you by border Czar kamala harris.
  2. You do u bud. Any bill that allows any number of illegals is damned to fail.
  3. I think you should log off for today.
  4. Posting and eating paste! Look at you go! Holy ***** you need to go meet reality.
  5. How come no revision? It was a terrible bill from the start.
  6. How come there was no revision? It was all disingenuous at best. But nice try. Can you go one post without mentioning Trump? For being such a self proclaimed mentally superior being, Trump sure does expose your mental fragility.
  7. He can just cross from Mexico and all is forgiven right?
  8. You're probably right regarding the scumbags on both sides. You don't think it's a bit of a coincidence you hear all these crazy stories about Trump right before the election? Dems are desperate, and it shows. As far as the bet? Let me know when he's in jail for the accusations listed previously.
  9. I forgot, I'm a piece of garbage who apparently lives south of the Mason Dixon line.
  10. How much do you want to bet? I guarantee it's just more bs. Emotions are clearly clouding your judgement.
  11. No, the border bill was a poison pill. How come they never came up with a revision? Are you ok with illegals committing crimes including murder?
  12. Look more BS........
  13. We have to pay for them and illegals are committing crimes including murders. You ok with that?
  14. Hey Joe, care to explain how letting in large numbers of unvetted illegal aliens makes our life better?
  15. You seem to be infected as well. Best of luck. Want to bet he doesn't spend a day in jail?
  16. You drove the car straight into the ditch and now it's on fire. Congratulations. You can't go one post without your tds completely invalidating any point your feeble brain is trying to come up with.
  17. Haha you're one of the biggest whiny babies on this board.GTFOOH.
  18. Being the party of the establishment is not a good thing. If Trump wins, cities will be set ablaze and all hell will break loose. Guaranteed.
  19. What about the summer of 2020? Historian...........
  20. Just pointing out that the dems are the party of riots.
  21. The 2020 summer of "love" says hello. What a joke.
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