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Posts posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Rand Paul is an ignorant pos 

    You shut your mouth! 

    2 minutes ago, phypon said:

    LOL!  You never called me old you old coot you.  Keep making stuff up.  Go get your booster and other vaccines.  Do your part!  You senile old card, lol!  You're too stupid to have a real conversation, you wackos are so funny :lol:

    Be careful with Ron, it thinks it's bright.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Has the Dow Jones Industrial Average doubled under Joe Biden?



    Is everything more expensive today? Yes. Most people don't have disposable income, just trying to keep their heads above water.

    10 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    On this day four years...


    105,128 Americans would like the opportunity to pay their mortgage today, but Trump had other priorities.





    What does this have to do with the rising cost of mortgages? Do u have a secret Trump quota you have to hit or else you get banned?

    • Agree 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    No one in this interview said “quash” or “squash “. She was asked about an intention to discredit the lab leak theory. Why wouldn’t there be?  Scientists disagree, often.  Some are passionate. And why would the director of the cdc need anyone’s permission to publicly dispute it…well, maybe the prez permission but guess who that was.

    Do u honestly buy the wet market theory?

  4. 17 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Astounding that a mere 4 years after lockdowns (you mean I have to eat at home?), mask mandates (you mean I can't see your teeth when you snarl?), and at-home schooling (you mean we finally separated the reasonably diligent wheat from the lazy-ass chaff?), we are traveling more than ever, spending more than ever, investing more than ever, with so much free time on our hands that we can spend hours, days, months, years whining about missing a boring graduation ceremony (I just went through a few of those so I know what I'm talking about) ...


    And of course you naysayers just know, to a certainty, that a totally laissez-faire approach would have left us in a better place today. Because, well, you prayed or something.

    Can't u admit they were wrong? By a wide margin?

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Just tune into local AM conservative talk radio if you need an example 

    Depends on if they’re judging the immigrants on their race, as I believe many opponents of immigration do. They could simply be afraid of job loss or some other reason. 

    I’ll note not to use sarcastic comments in threads that you’re a part of since you clearly cannot comprehend it

    So the Mexicans are racist against themselves? Got it. Do u have any original thoughts or do u just regurgitate everything you hear from your faaaarrr left talking points?

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Which take is this I’m defending again?

    I fully believe most of the hysteria surrounding the southern border is driven by racism. It’s has always been so. 

    That’s why I get angry at policies like what Trump proposes because it SOLVES NOTHING and ultimately hurts the country. 

    I lived in New Mexico for 6 years. The Mexicans believed illegal immigration is a problem. Are they racist? And if so, how?

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Since no one has explained to me as of yet, why don’t you take a stab at explaining how this policy will be carried out?

    They gave me a couple lovely pieces of paper to prove it

    College doesn't equal education.  You’re living proof. Too naive for your own good. But you have a good chin. Keep coming back L after L.

    Just now, Roundybout said:

    Do you write everything I post down? Strange 

    Care to defend your take?

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  8. 57 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    1) which part of the Democratic platform is “authoritarian?” Because I don’t think “round up and purity test the brown people” is a left wing policy 


    2) name one. The protests in Georgia are against the right wing Russian government, for instance 


    3) farmers suck and need to adapt to modern emissions standards. I have zero respect for farmers who refuse to change their archaic ways. 



    Farmers suck? Damn u grow your own crops?

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