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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. No amount of kava root will calm him down.
  2. Bryan Cox definitely threw gasoline on the bills dolphins rivalry. Karma got him back, I believe his son was on our roster for a cup of coffee.
  3. So I'm a troll because you're in denial about inflation?
  4. How much do you want to bet this whole thing is a big nothing burger just like all the other dem witchhunts?
  5. Are you still trying to argue that the price of everything hasn't increased 10 fold?
  6. Can you wait till he gets sworn in before you get completely hysterical?
  7. After the current administration weaponized the doj against their political opponents, can you blame him?
  8. We gave Biden and Co 4 years, Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. Simmer down Janet
  9. How are our days numbered? Alot of coping from u. Speaking of coping, where's roundy? I seen him post on the bills board.
  10. You posting is like a digital merry go round. All you do is spin without heading anywhere.
  11. My question was how many illegals should be in this country? Of course you bring up Trump. Lolz The Paris climate agreement is a sham, just like most environmental causes.
  12. Can you get anymore ridiculous? Buckle up Sally, it's going to be a rough 4 plus years for u.
  13. What percentage of illegal immigrants should be in this country? So all hotel workers are illegals? Shouldn't you be in Portugal?
  14. Well I could afford a house under Trump so there's that.
  15. Looking forward to you explaining why this is a bad take.......lemme grab some popcorn. I'm sure I'll learn plenty lol.
  16. Efficiency? How's that Harris rural internet plan going?
  17. Do you believe the inspector General is reigning in government spending? Your post reads more sour grapes than anything.
  18. Most people are done with legacy media, if you learned anything this past election.
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