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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Don't know what's worse, your posts or your screen name. Tiberius was a bad Roman emperor. What a mess.
  2. The bar is currently underground thanks to the current administration. Won't take much to surpass the greatness of biden/harris.
  3. Like fining people who don't get health insurance? Like forcing people to get health insurance?
  4. Are you eating the cats?
  5. Cause the left will smear anyone to advance their agenda?
  6. How about we wait and see, after all we gave biden/Harris 4 years to run the country into the ground.
  7. Precisely why over half the country if fed up with democrats and their "policies".
  8. But they are investing trillions in solar power! - Roundy
  9. Ah yes, democracy in the middle east. What could go wrong?
  10. U might want to start charging Trump rent at this point.
  11. Hahaha your a **** for the party of elites but ok.
  12. They're too busy getting rich and trying to tell you that everything is fine.
  13. @Scraps u alive bro?
  14. Brian Stelter lol? Comon Frank, you're better than this!
  15. My apologies, you are definitely a normal person. Holy hell.
  16. Lol, rich coming from a Biden voter. Go smoke some crack with hunter, moron.
  17. I think billstime is on everyone's list.
  18. Well I hope you recover from your raging case of TDS. All the best.
  19. Cnn defamed a kid and had to pay. Bet you watch them religiously.
  20. I'll repeat, COCAINE in the white house, you absolute partisan fool.
  21. Are you trying to say the southern border is not a national emergency? How many innocent people were murdered by illegals?
  22. He can do whatever he needs to, military included. Dems totally made this mess while denying its existence.
  23. I'm not religious so I really could care less. Figures your here pouting.
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