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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Guys, stop feeding the troll. Clearly it's what he is at this point.
  2. You're the perfect democrat. Don't change, they love you.
  3. Thanks for the laugh. I almost spit my coffee on my desk. Bury your head deeper.
  4. Like the last 4 years?
  5. Hey ***** for brains, these gang members don't belong here. No illegals do. How hard is that to comprehend?
  6. No, just calling a spade, a spade. B word boy.
  7. You're not worth the effort. Sad little man.
  8. Spoken like the whiny little B word you keep proving to be. Go cry harder about nazis you mental midget.
  9. And I don't care for your ignorance, yet you continue with your tired speel about the gop being the boogeyman. Everything you push back against turns out to be true.
  10. The government cares about efficiency? What color is the sky in your world?
  11. You just won't let go of your msm talking points huh? We can't deport illegals because of the migrant workforce? You are completely brainwashed. Charlottesville? You are so broken lol, it's been debunked into the ground.
  12. How's the richest person on the planet grifting us? Do you even know how dumb this sounds. Your posts reek of sour grapes. I can't take you seriously, you voted for Biden, twice.
  13. Tds is a hell of a drug. You are pouting like the little kid you are. You voted for Biden and he ran the whole thing into the ground. You have egg on your face. Embarrassing.
  14. Yeah, it's gonna be a rough 4 plus years for you. All the best. Everyone knows the us government is know for its efficiency.
  15. It's clear he's been teetering on the edge for a while now. Trump winning pushed him over the edge and now this is the result. Trying to say the gop won't do anything for the average American while also being a Democrat is truly astonishing.
  16. Ah yes, a Democrat lecturing us about the rule of law. Illegal immigration says what?
  17. You would have to ask our government. I can't believe you still buy what you're being told. Oh wait, there is no other way for you. Pretty pathetic. Did u move yet? Of course not.
  18. Can you really be this dumb? Please tell me this is an act.
  19. Jan 6 was a staged farce, you are totally a broken man. It's really sad to see.
  20. Another one lost to tds......way to soon. My condolences.
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