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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Maybe the illegal shouldn't have started her on fire is the correct answer. Nice try though. Harris didn't do hers.
  2. You couldn't miss the point more if you tried. Good god.
  3. Because they are partisan hacks, with an axe to grind. And 4th is a complete moron.
  4. This is beyond laughable. Soros has been playing puppet master for a while now.
  5. I never said he was jackass. I said immigration is hurting Germany.
  6. Because I'm more than likely right. Will you man up and apologize when you're proven wrong again? Of course not.
  7. Right, like you don't post here at all, pot meet kettle.
  8. Your script is so tiresome.
  9. What's his nationality and religious beliefs? You really are 2nd grade level dumb.
  10. I'm just gonna go add this to the long list of things you've been wrong about. It's a scroll at this point. You're living proof having an education doesn't make you smart, or sensible.
  11. Are you this dumb in real life too?
  12. @Roundybout this is why the world is leaning right.
  13. Oh please explain who bidens priorities were? Illegals and transgender?
  14. Ooh like the revised job reports? Got it.
  15. More government lies, not a problem for roundy.
  16. You're not worth the key strokes. Remind me what have you actually been correct about? I'll wait.
  17. Politicians using children as leverage? No way!
  18. This is funny coming from u. You get spoon fed narratives from the msm and question maga logic? Pure gold.
  19. Keep up the good fight, the world is swimming in nazis! You are a clown with your selective outrage.
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