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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Almost as humiliating as the election for democrats. Hang in there!
  2. Thank God you're here to hash out all the hard tweets! Your service will not go unnoticed.
  3. Ahh but deporting them is inhumane correct and we should award them citizenship for breaking the law? Got it.
  4. How is it not a crime to be undocumented? That's clearly saying they came here illegally correct? I'm failing to understand your loophole.
  5. How is this possible if they are harboring people who are actively breaking the law? These people committed crimes to get there.
  6. Well then enlighten us, what part does he have wrong?
  7. Don't think the damage done by Biden can be fixed, thanks 4th and schlong!
  8. It's been done already, it was an AOC meme. Almost had it.
  9. Merry Christmas everyone!
  10. Should we enforce our border laws?
  11. Yes we hate brown people. He hates American citizens apparently, and cops.
  12. Merry Christmas!!!
  13. You know when I'll believe in climate change? When our leaders stop flying in private jets to go to these conferences. It's all a money driven farce.
  14. Because he didn't want to be the next Daniel penny. I don't ***** know man. The man was already deported. This should have never happened, but of course you blame the cop.
  15. As your also deflecting. Why did the disastrous border policies lead to him being here in the first place.
  16. Maybe the illegal shouldn't have started her on fire is the correct answer. Nice try though. Harris didn't do hers.
  17. You couldn't miss the point more if you tried. Good god.
  18. Because they are partisan hacks, with an axe to grind. And 4th is a complete moron.
  19. This is beyond laughable. Soros has been playing puppet master for a while now.
  20. I never said he was jackass. I said immigration is hurting Germany.
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