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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. And your party can't stand and cheer for a kid who survived cancer. The left has lost the average person. Dems are in a tailspin, let me grab my popcorn. But they're going to take over all of Europe if we don't give Ukraine eleventy billion dollars!!!!!
  2. How old are you? I believe you're too old to act like a child. Ah yes the show the Americans was based on my life.
  3. You are a paranoid old man who shouldn't leave the house. Good god.
  4. Trump wants to end the war. What sort of drugs are you on? Seriously you are a cranky old man with an axe to grind. Taking away rights from people? I don't want to hear ***** about it after the government trampled all over peoples rights during covid. Sorry.
  5. Both can be true? I know critical thinking would make your head explode, but try to keep up. Whatever propaganda you're digesting really seems to be working.
  6. Your responses are predictable and tiresome. The Russian fallback is really sad. Your country is in bad shape, and it seems like your lashing out.
  7. Blaming all of this on Trump is way too predictable and even more sad.
  8. Dude if he prevents one death, it's worth it. I have no interest on how a Canadian feels on this matter. Canada has historically put tariffs on the us. But when we do it, tears.
  9. No, I think they are all a bit......off
  10. He's a government employee, so he's naturally gonna piss and moan over every single cut.
  11. Did you just use AOC and smart in the same sentence? A new all time low.
  12. The one thing all you anti trumpers have in common is that you are all pretty angry people. That's a sad way to live. To be fair, I'd be mad if I was Canadian.
  13. The record number of illegal border crossings. Glad I could help. Does anyone complain of the tariffs Canada places on the US or does the rage only flow in one direction?
  14. They cleaned up the border mess completely, which we were told couldn't be possible by the previous administration.
  15. Benford is more than capable playing man. He's a young and still asending player. A no brainer type of extension, imo.
  16. This administration has done more in the last 40ish days than the previous administration did in 4 years, but please continue. I guarantee Trump spent less time golfing than Biden spent on vacation.
  17. Prosecuted? That's not how this works, bipartisan or not. Just ask Nancy Pelosi.
  18. https://www.businessinsider.com/lawmakers-bought-sold-covid-19-related-stocks-during-pandemic-2021-12 At least 75.
  19. How many people made money off of the covid vaccine?
  20. I wouldn't trust you to put a bandaid on me.
  21. You are punching the air in real time. Good times.
  22. Prop? Are the deaths fake. You're beyond ridiculous.
  23. Or we're sick of funding the war, which is the only way Ukraine can achieve victory.
  24. A nap right now sounds great! Thanks for the advice!
  25. Who did u steal this from. Way to coherent to be your own thoughts.
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