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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. All you do is attack people when you don't have an actual argument. I'm sorry having to attempt critical thinking is extremely frustrating for you. Take a break, have a juice box.
  2. She publicly supported a racially motivated Hoax. What's so hard to understand? But trump lies............ Ron I wish you were as smart as you think you are, maybe then you wouldn't vote democrat.
  3. Are u saying no terrorist crossed into the us from the southern border? You keep dancing around the subject.
  4. Conman? The dem party lied to u, whose the real conman. Everything dems support was a lie. Kamala and Jessie smolett just being one example.
  5. If you also give her credit for all the criminals and terrorists that made it over the border.
  6. Almost as sad as being a Democrat lemming. Biden I mean Harris for now 2024!
  7. She was named most far left leaning democrat. She's called ice the kkk, radical enough?
  8. Harris polled worse than Biden lmfao. Good luck, she has no policy and is the extreme left leaning. Doesn't bode well for America.
  9. I already answer that, keep up.
  10. Do you think women having multiple abortions is a positive? Team America?
  11. Sure, as long as it goes to the kid.
  12. Do you think women should have multiple abortions? Don't you think that comes at a cost? It's got to be traumatic. I am not religious at all, so try again.
  13. Which one is happening more gene? Plus, abortion rates have been on the rise.
  14. Because killing babies is wrong? There is no other acceptable answer.
  15. Because she's not official yet. Do you know that 50 percent of women who have an abortion have more than one? There are other forms of birth control.
  16. I know a fetus is a baby if you leave it alone. Dumbass. Why do you guys feel so strongly about murdering a potential person?
  17. A fetus has a heartbeat after 5 weeks. I direct you to the bill burr bit on abortion. You have to be one of the dumbest posters on this board. Glad you fight this hard for the right to kill babies.
  18. Curb illegal immigration. Your turn.
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