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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Says the **** for the establishment. Rich.
  2. Lol, God you're a child. You literally just said ***** around and find out. Good luck in the world bud.
  3. What the ***** are you talking about? Scum Ok so let's kill him? Deal?
  4. You're defending eliminating political opposition? Par for the course.
  5. Hey guy, white people are here legally. If we enforced our laws, illegals wouldn't kill anyone. Don't know what point your attempting badly to make. Illegal is illegal, don't care to hear your strawman arguments.
  6. If you think Biden and Trump have the same cognitive ability, you might have tds. Biden was given a whole week to prepare for the debate. It was so bad, it couldn't be hidden from the world any longer. But trumps old.....yall dem lap dogs sure don't do any critical thinking.
  7. Kinda like how age is a bad thing with in regards to presidential candidates all of a sudden? Not months ago? Wonder why?
  8. He definitely said that. White people are here against the law? You don't make any sense.
  9. My God lol. Biden said you couldn't get covid with the vaccine. How many deaths is he on the hook for? You people are hysterical women. More than one person has been murdered by illegals but nice try.
  10. Hmmm one bad orange man or hundreds of criminals spilling over the border? Which is worse? Easy answer If you don't have tds. Do u read any of the stories about migrant crimes? Of course not. Laken Riley ring a bell?
  11. I'm sure glad we have posters to fill the billstime tds vacuum. Glad you can pick up the slack. You might want to put some ointment on that, looks like a raging case. How many times have you typed Trump in the last 48 hours?
  12. Moving the goal post much. It's funny that you act like your democrat leaders are actually good people. You don't believe that right?
  13. Cause killing babies is wrong. Don't act like abortion is the only form of birth control. Controlling women I don't like? Yeah that's it. Once again you act like abortion is the only form of birth control.
  14. HEY GENIUS, THERES NO ONE TO VET ANY OF THE ILLEGALS POURING INTO THE COUNTRY. Generally you would be correct, in this case you're not. It would be better if they didn't enter the country illegally. That's my answer.
  15. https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/07/25/harris-campaign-admits-misleading-voters-trump-project-2025/ It could also survive and thrive. Why would I provide for a baby that's not mine? Listen, if you support killing potential life, you might be a trash human being.
  16. If u don't abort the fetus, what does it become. Trash answer from a trash person, apparently.
  17. But they are still showing up here. That's the point. Who cares if there sent or not. You seems to be the one with the flaming case of tds. There's unaccounted criminals coming into our country daily. That's a Democrat policy failure.
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