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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Grown men posing as women, that's wierder. Maybe they do have bladder issues? What's the freaks excuse?
  2. These people are normal compared to the 2 freaks posted first in a government position of leadership.
  3. So no comment on the people in a position of power. Surprising! Deflection at its finest.
  4. You don't deserve a serious response. You haven't been here long and already reached billstime level. Congrats!
  5. You really need a hobby, sad really. You have a raging case of orange man bad.
  6. How bout one without pork in it? Aka Ukraine bill. The Republican plan? Enforcing current immigration laws and deporting all illegals. Btw it's border not boarder. Well he could adopt the dem plan, just straight up lie to the American people.
  7. Meghan thee stallion tweaking says hello. Care to outline the dem policies? Start at the southern border.
  8. The made a mistake? Lol God man they knew exactly what they were doing. And they knew you would eat it up without asking questions. Thank you!
  9. Can anyone translate this case of brain worms for me? CNN had to pay millions because they defamed a high school kid. Lol
  10. CNN is the democrat equivalent of fox News. I'm at work, alive and well. Thanks for your concern.
  11. Yes the merry band of idiots were definitely going to overthrow the govt. What a crock.
  12. Dems have nothing but empty policies and twerking Megan thee stallion, what a giant mess.
  13. Even if what she said was true, there are so many coming over that you will see more and more cases of this cause ya know, numbers. It's still on them and the complete failure that is the southern border. I guarantee if this was trumps mess, the dems and msm would definitely make him own it.
  14. The dem platform, a new reality!! Actual reality is scary!
  15. Yall are shot. A month and a half ago, you guys were saying Age was a strength. Bidens a super ager, whatever the hell that means.
  16. Shut the border? Can you be anymore racist against brown people? Roundy am I doing this right?
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