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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. You're not as witty as you think u are. We all have to dream right?
  2. Freethinking must be hard for u. Only you would give credit to this administration for freeing the hostages that we taken under their watch. Brillant! We feel the same about u.
  3. He's an overly emotional individual.
  4. The complete lack of self awareness is astounding!
  5. Seems like a reasonable post, from a completely sane individual. Typical hollow brained dem.
  6. They will rationalize anything, especially abortion, and men being able to compete and beat up women, good times.
  7. Anyone who doesn't fall into traditional categories male or female would fall into bucket 3. Not sure the logistics or it but if you don't fit into the traditional gender identity, there is still a place to compete fairly, against people that are similar to you. Just brainstorming here.
  8. You don't exclude them, maybe they should compete against other trans athletes? Seems reasonable no?
  9. Care to list some of kamalas? Ban fracking or not? Both if you're her!
  10. I'm at work, I don't put much into this tbh.
  11. You're not worth the effort, sorry. It's real, it's there, it's been documented.
  12. They read them inappropriate material, why?
  13. The question is why are the drag queens around kids in the first place. Are you morally bankrupt or just have so much blind loyalty to think straight anymore?
  14. It's terrible, that's why I'm not religious. Still waiting on you to condem drag queens trying to influence children.
  15. Why are drag queens reading to kids? Do they volunteer at homeless shelters? Read to the elderly? Volunteer at the local spca? Frank I'm 39 you idiot. Boomer lol. How old are u seriously? Cause you act like a little kid with your childish insults.
  16. Sex Ed or drag queens reading to kids?
  17. It's a peered review article what does it matter? Answer the question gene.
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