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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. If u think the biggest problem in this country is kkk members and antisemitism ripping through this country like a wildfire, you must have a really nice life, or completely delusional.
  2. Groundbreaking.......what about the 49 others?
  3. Maaan if only I was a Republican and/ or voted for Trump. Kinda goes against your narrative doesn't it?
  4. You can cut and paste, color me surprised. I am not surprised that you missed some stuff, par for the course whem you're the lowest level of troll.
  5. Oh man, billsy is calling me out by name. I finally made it! #winning
  6. Only you and billsy will parade this b.s around while the the amount of people who live paycheck to paycheck grows exponentially under bidens "economy"
  7. The problem is that you think fox and tucker blatantly lie and deceive their audience while other news outlets simply get their facts wrong? They both do the same thing....and if your facts are wrong why are you reporting on it? That's journalism 101
  8. I have never seen a person in a position of power forgetting what he's talking about mid sentence and just make up words like biden, but he's gotta be fine right? Right? Comon man stairs are hard!
  9. Cnn got sued for defamation, sooo anything for ratings, but cnn still claims to be legitimate.
  10. When was the last day you didn't type the words trump? Becha can't remember.
  11. Everything seems clearer now
  12. To be fair, you put a pretty big target on your back, but continue to do you i guess.
  13. Man if i am deranged then what would that make you?
  14. Do you call your conservative friends cult members as well? I don't believe you have any but maybe im wrong.
  15. Basic critical thinking and billsy don't belong in the same sentence. Projection and memes is all that's in the playbook.
  16. Nobody cares!
  17. Jojo from jerz is your source.....wonder why we don't take you seriously.
  18. Did u just accurately describe the democratic party?
  19. You talk in circles so much you have trouble following yourself wtf lol take a break.
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