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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. But can he fall up stairs? #winning
  2. Until he gets to the staircase, that's where it gets tricky!
  3. I know right, meanwhile watch biden take on his most stubborn adversary in this weeks episode of joe vs stairs. Winner gets ice cream!
  4. Well then you came to the right message board....
  5. Cruises are great! Enjoy it, you can argue with us when you return!
  6. You should get some fresh air, your brain thinks it's drowning. You really think anyone who doesn't support democratic policies are hillbilly maga supporters? If this is what you do with your retirement, maybe you should get another job.
  7. I agree to a point, not every single time at some point she should pick better partners.
  8. 50 percent of women who had one abortion had multiple. I understand the need arises due to medical complications but those cases are outliers not standard procedure. Seems like abortion is a easier way to right a wrong than common sense and personal responsibility.
  9. You support unlimited abortion under the guise of womens rights, but im the idiot. Moron
  10. Are you capable of original thoughts that veer from the standard issue democratic talking points. Of course you're not. What a mess
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5771530/ Around 50 percent of women who had an abortion also had another one or more. Nothing like convience if you make bad choices.
  12. Hey bud do u need a map? You seem lost.
  13. If i hate women, you hate babies fair?
  14. Keep killing babies. We will take the moral victories. Jfc
  15. Of all the hills, you chose this one to die on.........interesting
  16. Biden might be willing, but he sure as hell isn't ready, unless we're debating ice cream.
  17. How many of these illegal gun users were put in jail? Who cares where they come from if they are never punished once obtained.
  18. The only solution is for these people to accept who they are and stop pumping themselves full of hormones.
  19. I mean you use jojofromjerz without blinking so post that meme for yourself as well. Idiots
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