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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Yeah sure buddy.....stop sniffing glue and get some fresh air, are u always this dramatic?
  2. Just go away........ Can you become any more clown like? You guys are completely broken.
  3. And you are brainwashed by the left, Jesus man do something else, literally anything, you are beyond sad.
  4. What? Revisionist history? Man you sure twist yourself into a pretzel to defend Biden. And before u mention Trump, I still didn't vote for him.
  5. How much money did the political elite profit off of covid? And you expect them to be genuine with the information provided..........
  6. We are all suffering the consequences, unless your in the parents basement like billsy.
  7. Maaan you started the holiday weekend early lol, what a mess. Go outside jfc
  8. Look out! You thought Zach Wilson was bad.......hid your moms.
  9. Edelman.
  10. Someone gets it! Great post.
  11. Do u think criminals obtain guns legally at these shows? I'll give u a hint, the answer is no. Crack down on illegal possessions and leave law abiding citizens alone. Prosecute the criminals!
  12. Someone's unhinged lol. Eat a bag of d's Nancy. Holy hell I can't believe people like u actually exist.
  13. What????? Lol you should log off today and take the L.
  14. Apparently not at the court you were at......do better.
  15. They were in court right? Smells like accountability to me.
  16. So no accountability for women? Got it.......tell ya what my mom should've picked better.
  17. The government wants and encourages single family homes......... Maybe women should make better choices on who they let impregnate them?????
  18. As someone who grew up without a father, and had to cobble together different aspects of being a man from complete strangers. Toxic masculinity is the least of our problems. The lack of fathers is a real problem. I just happen to be the few that made it. I'm not where I want to be but I have a college degree and I believe I'm on the right track.
  19. Because every other poster seems to actually have a life. You are the only poster in a bunch of Trump threads. Get a life bro seriously this isn't healthy.
  20. Can somebody cut your access to internet........please????
  21. He's got a two track mind, memes and Trump. He's probably on tik tok.
  22. Congratulations! Don't think you posted that one before. U must not get paid for this one. Back under your bridge sir.
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