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Sierra Foothills

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Everything posted by Sierra Foothills

  1. @SoonerBillsFan, do not touch anything that looks like a cylinder. It's probably a capacitor and you can get badly shocked. More like passing out. 😀 Just outside Yosemite National Park in California. Go Bills!!!
  2. The Bills are gonna win by multiple scores... there's not gonna be any suspense.
  3. Eagles are raptors by the way.
  4. Nice! I hope it was a fun hunt too. I actually thought you looked anxious but it was hard to tell with your... you know... lack of facial expressions.
  5. Well yes... except for the donor. Indeed, Clapp has been around the block a few times.
  6. I thought so! There's no reason to mock my stupidity!!! That Richard Noggin can be a real... I'm not gonna say it...
  7. Bad technique. Sorry to be that guy but technically the removal of the spleen would be a splenectomy, not an amputation.
  8. There are some sisters here too... @muppy for one. Probably he has the leverage to dictate that. Joe Burrow: "The name is Burrow, not Burrows..." (primps his fake blonde hair) The power of suggestion? Just outside Yosemite. Agree with you 100% except it's not "if we win," it's "when we win." Ravens are not raptors. Raptors are "birds of prey." The only predation Ravens do is robbing eggs from nests and sometimes killing hatchlings. Technically a Raven is a passerine, regardless of how the Vermont Institute groups their exhibits. And the point was that if Mahomes had been hit in similar fashion that there's zero doubt a flag would have been thrown. Thank you but no one is going to have fun if the Bills don't win. Thankfully they will win so it's a moot point. Do you always get the past confused with a possible future scenario? My advice is to try to enjoy the sense of anticipation and excitement and to be thankful that we are in the midst of another golden era of Bills football where the eyes of the nation are again upon us.
  9. I bet he's the kind of guy who corrects your pronunciation if you call him "Burrows."
  10. That's yet another really irritating thing about Burrow and one of the many reasons I despise him... why doesn't he just add the freaking s to his last name and give humanity some relief from his little games? 🙃
  11. The thing is Atwater was a jumbo-sized safety. I nominate Dorian Williams for today's violent hit of the day.
  12. On your behalf I'm going to make a motion that we cancel the game day thread so that you don't inadvertently find out the results before you watch the replay!
  13. For some reason your post reminded me of the John 3:16 guy,,, Rainbow Man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollen_Stewart
  14. My memory isn't as good as it used to be but I don't remember this part. Houston was definitely not the better team. So the Bills are going to lose at Arrowhead next week because of the NFL's agenda?
  15. Dude, I live in California... I'm not even gonna be in the stadium. Can you at least assign this to someone who's gonna be at the game?
  16. Please correct the spelling of the bolded word...quickly... not that I'm superstitious or anything... 😀
  17. Kind of mean for you to mention this... if CJ reads this he's gonna break down crying. Might that possibly have something to do with the NyQuil?
  18. Talking about pitchforks on the day of the divisional round game?
  19. In that case you might need to get a larger Bills cap. Ravens aren't raptors. They're carrion and they won't be eating today. In fact they're gonna be road kill in a few hours. Just mix in a few nights at a Holiday Inn Express... you'll be fine. If by "all the way" you mean losing to the Bills in the SuperBowl, you might be right. Do you know a seamstress?
  20. I feel like there's no way that Weatherman is gonna be able to match your chart...
  21. Really? I was planning on fasting tomorrow because the last time I did we beat the Chiefs in Arrowhead. I know you're a doctor and all but is there any wiggle room on this order?
  22. My wife's all over me to stop drinking and now you want me to delete cookies? WTF...
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