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Sierra Foothills

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Everything posted by Sierra Foothills

  1. I'm cautiously optimistic. I've tried very hard to contribute to the conversation here... Perhaps I should PM one of the mods...
  2. What if that person just had a conviction that a safety was gonna happen? Also, how does one get nominated for a good poster award?
  3. Just curious, how does one get nominated for the award? I would not be opposed to being considered for the award if someone were to nominate me...
  4. You didn't have to tell me. Todd Monken vs Bobby Slowik is a mismatch.
  5. The rest vs rust "problem" is one I'd gladly embrace.
  6. I love a great a capella performance.
  7. Posted elsewhere: The answer to whether they should start the final 2 games is the exact same as the answer to whether Ingram/Solomon/Andreesen/Carter or any young Bills player with upside should start the final 2 games... YES, as long as the degree to which he plays doesn't jeopardize winning those games. Worded differently, the only reason you wouldn't play a young player is because of the risk of losing. If you are not in danger of losing there's no reason not to give a young player with upside, playing time. So it is dependent upon game script.
  8. Nice summation. And in no case should being one rather than the other elicit personal attacks and snarkiness. Yes, kicking field goals is only delaying the inevitable. Not yet. I believe Houston has to win (unlikely) today or we have to beat the Jets to assure the second seed.
  9. I hope you're right and I'm wrong. They look great to me... superb.
  10. Again, Russ continues to react a hair too slowly. Dude needs to get some stimulants in his system.
  11. The answer to whether Bishop should start the final 2 games is the exact same as the answer to whether Elam/Ingram/Solomon/Andreesen/Carter or any young Bills player should start the final 2 games... YES, as long as the degree to which he plays doesn't jeopardize winning those games. Worded differently, the only reason you wouldn't play a young player is because of the risk of losing. If you are not in danger of losing there's no reason not to give a young player with upside, playing time.
  12. My reaction to this: 1) I'm sincerely glad that Stroud addressed this and is standing by his actions and opinion, even if I disagree with him. 2) I don't know who Will Kunkel is, don't care who he is, and don't care what his opinion is.
  13. Anyways as you know, my 2nd question basically asks, "at what point do you have to grant that the play is a catch?" If not after 2 hops on the same foot, then when?????????
  14. I understand pocket integrity and not bailing too soon but again, Russ could have climbed the pocket on that sack. He's reacting too late to the pass rush on too many of these plays.
  15. Fair enough... in our hypothetical scenario, hopping 3 times on the same foot before going out of bounds is not a catch. Next question, receiver catches the ball in the middle of the field and because the defender is holding his foot up, he hops on the same foot 12 times over 20 yards before going out of bounds. Catch or not?
  16. Interestingly he seemed to get the same foot down twice... Theoretical question: a player catches the ball and hops on the same foot 3 times before going out of bounds. Catch or not?
  17. Yeah it's really too bad our community simply didn't have the money necessary to: 1) Put a dome on the stadium 2) Place the stadium in the Buffalo River/South Park/Chicago Street area. Moving the stadium back to that area would have accomplished so many positive things...
  18. I'm as a big a Bills homer as there is but Reid's reputation as an offensive genius is earned. It's way too early to make statements like this IMO. Don't look now but the Bills are also getting healthier at just the right time. I think Tomlin and Co. believe they can rehabilitate some of the players they take on. I'm as a big a Bills homer as there is but there is absolutely no question that Lamar Jackson is worthy of consideration and that the race is not locked up yet.
  19. Holds the ball too long, doesn't look for an escape route... then makes an unforced fumble. Incredibly poor for a rookie QB, much less a "Super Bowl Winning QB."
  20. Could we do a ceremony that includes a mass urination on the uniforms before they're burned? Or do you think that would that prevent them from igniting?
  21. As a corollary to the above and specifically regarding DPI, I've seen way too many plays where the receiver was simply not open and in fact was dominated in coverage by the defender, but a flag was thrown because the receiver was partitioned from the ball by the defender and was unable to work back towards the ball. This happens a lot in trail coverage. In these cases a DPI penalty should almost never be called... a receiver should not be rewarded for having been dominated by the defender. Additionally it's completely unfair for a defender to be expected to somehow "get out of the way" from between the receiver and the ball. If the coverage is excellent and the defender ends up between the receiver and the ball, a flag should almost NEVER be thrown. To be clear this includes many plays that are underthrown balls and I'm NOT talking about plays where the defender is oblivious to the ball and simply runs over the receiver awaiting the ball. In these cases it is obviously DPI. But otherwise in cases where a ball hits the back of a defender it should NEVER be DPI.
  22. Sean Salisbury probably remembers too.
  23. That won't be necessary. I'm seldom right.
  24. I stand corrected. My next prediction (consider the track record) is that Johnson will not make any significant contributions to the Texans this season.
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