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rusty shackleford

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Everything posted by rusty shackleford

  1. During the drought years there wasn't a whole lot of nuanced Bills football to appreciate. Had seasons for a number of years during that stretch while in college and shortly after. We would spend a lot more time drinking and eating than paying attention to the game. Hours later having conversations about the game with friends and family that were sober during it and would have no idea what they were talking about but would just nod and go along with it. "Can you believe they called pass interference on the second play of the half?" Me, "yeah that was ridiculous." But in my head: Did we win?
  2. Reminds me of Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield.
  3. Bills Mafia when Cannibal Corpse comes over the PA
  4. It gets McDermott all fired up.
  5. He prefers Thunderstruck.
  6. CBS should bring him in as a color commentator to pair with Ian Eagle.
  7. With all the questionable roster structuring we can criticize this regime for, having a strong pipeline of elite gunners will never be one of them.
  8. This whole thing reminds me of the end of Field of Dreams when James Earl Jones says something along the lines of: “People will come Ray. They'll come for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why”... then they jump
  9. Is it really trespassing if our tax dollars funded it though? 🤷‍♂️
  10. And we would have to see all the graphics of Allen being a turnover machine.
  11. Stroud looked pretty cold during warm ups.
  12. All someone needs to do is put a folding table at the bottom of the pit and there will be plenty of jumpers. Add a little bit of lighter fluid and some matches and it will be hard to resist.
  13. Then he should be reported to the cart narcs:
  14. At this point in the season I would assume rest, game planning, and film study would be more important than getting physical practice reps in during the week too.
  15. They’re looking for shovelers again.
  16. As long as they are home by the time the street lights come on they should be good.
  17. Damn, if only we had a domed sports venue downtown we wouldn’t ever have disruptions to a game…
  18. Should have just made Martin a game day inactive and gone no punter. Opens up another spot for an extra linebacker. Punting is for soft teams anyways.
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