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Everything posted by IrishLass

  1. I wonder if the Ansar Allah declaration will have any impact on Lackawanna.
  2. It's a Liberal Wet Dream. Here's the math: Klan Hoods to Liberals = Red Cape to Raging Bull I remember how excited everyone got over this Bath & Body Works product, lol.
  3. For four YEARS. Thanks Joe! And Kamala too.
  4. I know he had scandals but he was completely irrelevant as far as I was concerned. He was more of a joke/meme generator than anything else. It had nothing to do with her incompetence, which was self-evident.
  5. If voting for Trump = Far Right Extremism, I'm on board.
  6. You're worried about Trump satisfying fundamentalists? lol. This is going to be a fun four years. Can't wait to see the 2028 campaign slogans coming out of you people. "Trump was a Fundy Fail." I like the alliteration!
  7. Maybe you should get yourself some Separation of Church & State. I thought Libbies were all over that.
  8. I believe the amount of liberal butthurt is off the charts and they're grasping at straws.
  9. It's going to be a long four years for you. FYI they're still eating the cats and dogs in Ohio, too.
  10. Don't forget all those billions wasted in Ukraine, EV charging stations that weren't built, and internet that never got to rural areas.
  11. Libs channel their Inner Racism when under stress. We'll be seeing a lot more commentary like this in the next four years.
  12. So close and yet so far. Maybe if Kamala spends $3 billion next time she'll win in 2028!
  13. Liberals are going to amuse themselves goose-stepping for four years.
  14. I must say she's very high functioning. Honestly even if she had a substance issue she probably has more of her brain available for governing than Joe Biden did in these past 4 years.
  15. Don't forget the dogs and cats of Ohio! They're Eating The Dogs & Eating The Cats
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