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Everything posted by IUBillsFan

  1. Take a little time and read what they do/did in Chile that's seems to be a good model to follow.
  2. Here's a link to the story...Story According to an audio recording, he said, "Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot. ... It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up front with you, I like brawling." He added, "You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them." Probably about the same as I'd feel about shooting a child molestor or any guy that beats woman ....
  3. I guess I assume they can no longer play the game "Hangman" at school anymore...
  4. I wish it would have worked for me...This just happened to me two weeks ago and it didn't remove it all...It would seem to be gone then after about 15 minutes online bam...Firefox is all I run now...
  5. IF you got CoolWebSearch on there I would just try and back as much stuff up as possible and reformat....I got that on my computer and got just about every spyware remover and NOTHING took it off...That thing gets into so many small places and changes almost daily that you may be screwed. I ran all the stuff you are trying and it NEVER went away. THe best part was it loaded three porn sites onto my favorities...The wife really liked that.
  6. Why not the Colts. They probably can't afford James, Travis comes cheaper and the Colts could then add the D help they need. Plus with the Colts picking at the end of the first they may give up that first for TH.
  7. I saw this EXACT thing about 15 minutes ago at MCDONALDS>>>>
  8. Dang limosine libs... I have driven both and I have to give the nod to the 300 I like the power it has much better and it is a little, not much, better drive.
  9. See I am doing the same thing but the opposite side...It is sort of fun and I do like getting another view on things...From some people. I have had some of the same talks with a friend of mine who just finished up a PHD in evolution science from Berkley (liberal ba$ard.. ) and it was very interesting. I was able to go into a little more detail about my points with him than I have time here and there were some, not many, but some points I did win.
  10. I'm not saying that I should be able to watch an ape or chimp and watch them turn human right before my eyes...
  11. See that is where I have a problem Evolution is NOT a mutation...Big difference. Look it's not that I don't know that evolution exits but IMO it is not the ANSWER to all life.
  12. The time it took means nothing...It happened right? Why would it stop? If it took years why isn't it going on still why aren't we seeing the "early Humans" still around?
  13. That wasn't the question...Good answer and I agree with it, but why aren't the APE's still evolving?
  14. So if man evolved from ape as is commonly accepted how come you don’t see it going on now? Did the evolution stop? Shouldn’t we be seeing “missing links” all the time? BTW I don’t disregard evolution at all, I am a scientist by profession, but IMHO it doesn’t explain everything.
  15. You are obviously a religious fanatic…I bet you hate gays too don’t you?
  16. The teachers can't teach math and science because the dumb kids may get their feelings hurt if some kids know things they don't...
  17. Why couldn't the US have a system like Chile? Link link 2 One last link The last one is probably the best IMO.
  18. I still have yet to hear a good reason why employers can deduct this expense but people that buy their own (me) can't deduct ours.
  19. The problem IMO is the congregation is part of a larger organization and so far that organization has rules against gay clergy.
  20. But I don't think he said anything like: "So you're a murderer hey whatever floats your boat I'm not here to judge" I'm not sure I would compare lepers to lesbians unless you think you can catch lesbianitis.
  21. You know the old saying... A family that commits felonies together stays together.
  22. I think you may just be using the wrong word...and I'm an expert in using the wrong words ...The acts(except the tags thing) you mention are enforceable they just aren't enforced, big difference.
  23. By unenforceable do you mean they(police) can't come to your house and arrest you OR are you playing the odds that they won't? If you are playing the odds you are right and probably safe but they DO come after people...even the ones just downloading to for their own use.
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