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Everything posted by IUBillsFan

  1. and he was a good dingo...all the other dingos thought he was really nice they just can't believe he did it.
  2. Really it should be the inventor of asphalt...no asphalt no roads...no roads no need to shoot bus driver...It's that simple.
  3. The parents should sue the school, if they wouldn't have sent the bus then the kid wouldn't have had to shoot the driver
  4. "He was a good kid," Kern said. "He listened to his parents; they loved him to death." Kids who kill are always good...DWS
  5. That's is sooo true.
  6. Of course it's the property owners fault... More lawsuits
  7. Anyone can be replaced especially the ones that fight with their bosses....
  8. No doubt I usually just get board after about 18,000 and stop.
  9. Amazing...Reads a book two pages at a time...
  10. I know where it is also we have a family reunion in PA every other year and I drive by it...I've always wanted to stop but for some reason the wife doesn't want to?
  11. Same why a 17 year old could...Taking that many hits to the head could cause clots...Being married to a neurologist I can get the inside scoop There is a slight possibility of roids but a healthy 25 year old walking across the street could have a stroke with no other symptoms...
  12. What is the benefit of gmail as opposed to say yahoo or hotmail?
  13. DUH!!! Squidward he's the gay one...THink about it very neat plays a clainet, can you say phallic symbol...
  14. Well what would you expect? If a city can't do anything during one of the greatest economic growth cycle in history when will they?
  15. I have NEVER understood someone who is unemployed but won't take even a temp job because they thinks it's below them...Like some have said on the board get a job any job to it great and you'll move up and make more money...Problem is it takes hard work. It's not hard but it is hard work...
  16. Got to watch out for the gay Penguins, they are very liberal and get offened if you talk about God...Penguin
  17. Why don't we wait till they have another one of those "Parades" someone could take out a lot of them at once...
  18. Nope I think they would be included in the first place. A question I have when schools DON'T allow a religious group or class aren't they prohibiting the free expression of religion? Which is in the constitution unlike the “separation of church and state” thing? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
  19. God I hate those call centers...I love when they try and tell you they are calling from the US
  20. But then what would we do with all the out of work Politicians and gov't workers...
  21. Agree with Bose...they are good but probably the most overrated speakers out there, try and get the specs for them...
  22. I just bought new Klipsch speakers...I already had the receiver from before but the speakers are great. I had floor standing Polk which are good for listening to music real loud but with two little kids I can't do that much anymore...I like the smaller speakers with the sub. it makes it better, IMO for movies that you don't have the volume jacked way up to hear the dialog that the bass is too high, if that makes sense...BTW something I leared is when something is in Dolby 5.1 or 6.1 or 7.1 the .1 is the subwoofer there are signals being sent to the sub so if you don't have one you miss some sounds.
  23. Well no offense to DC Tom but it wouldn't bother me at all for someone to call me stupid on an Internet message board...Plus I know I'm smarter than anyone on this board...
  24. Intersting website on the Universe and the expansion of it...One things I've always had a hard time picturing is what is the Universe expanding into...If you were able to get to the edge of the universe what would you see...Sounds stupid I know but just one of those things I can't picture...Universe
  25. So I guess you think the world is flat I doubt you have been high enough in the air to see the curvature. You can't believe the pictures they are fakes.
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