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Everything posted by IUBillsFan

  1. Well what % of that 70% go bankrupt due to medical bills because of the lifestyle they were leading before hand? The medical bills may have been the last straw but I bet not the only one.
  2. And that's why CC companies charge high interest...It's not like they are going to get all there money back they are unsecured debt they are going to low in line to be paid.
  3. Wow someone's been listening to Air America...VBG
  4. Pot meet Kettle...You know it's very hard to find a pol who isn't a hypocrite. You try and choose someone or some party that for the most part has the same values and beliefs as you. I'm sure though that every dem does what he says and says what he does...If you blelieve that I have a business associate in Africa that has a large sum of money that he needs to get out of the country if you could PM me your checking account number I'll give you 10%.
  5. So just curious...If a guy goes out buys a boat, big screen TV, a 30,000 car,ect and makes say 50K a year. He loses his job, how easy should it be for him to file for a Bankruptcy? Meaning how easy should it be for a guy/girl to buy lots of "stuff" get into a tough situation and have the CC company eat it? Yes it sucks what rates CC comapanies can charge but it's now a day and age where lots of people want everything and want it now.
  6. I was more talking about extra as far as catastrophic coverage on top of what an employer would ususally supply...$1200/mo dang my wife and I pay $600 for a family of four (we don't get it from our employers)...But we have a second policy that covers anything over the lifetime limit of the policy and it's $27.50 per month so I guess I lied. But it's more the point that...well I think you knew the point.
  7. Maybe but too many people live an "it's only" life style...Cable "it's only" $50/mo...Cell phone "it's only", ect. The problem is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many people live beyond or at least right up to their means.
  8. How much of that is because people aren't responsible for themselves in the first place...In stead of making sure they are covered in case of a medical emergency they'd rather have the big screen tv or hell just cable but will B word if they have to pay an extra $10-$20 per month for health insurance...
  9. Of couse the VP wasn't making a speach to HS kids.
  10. Global warming...Air too clean?
  11. Was that before he drove off the bridge and let a girl die? If so I'm pretty sure he's drank since then.... Oh wait I just reread that I don't think you were talking about Teddy, sorry
  12. My problem is why not make them really Fillabuster stand up and talk for hours...It seems like a pu$$y way out to get to say I'm going to Fillabuster and not have to really do it.
  13. Does each congressman have an allotted amount of government money to pay a staff or is it money that is raised by him/her?
  14. Huh what about oh I don't know breaking the law???? US Code knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
  15. Why do I get the feeling there may be more to this story?
  16. Not the draft issue just the regular one. They had draft previews of each team and for the Bills they had them taking RB with two of their first three picks, for some reason I don't see that
  17. Then you also have the EIC people...Everyday is tax freedom day for them...
  18. I agree that there are gays in sports...
  19. One thing the judge that made the ruling is an elected offical that doesn't have a law degree. I read a story about a Dad who dumped scalding water on his 2 year old son becasuse he was "acting out"...I can't for the life of me figure out why he is under arrest it's a family issue.
  20. Pork Some highlights: # $3,000,000 for the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation. # $1.7 million for the International Fertilizer Development Center. With all the crap in Washington, you'd think they'd have all the free fertilizer they need. # $100,000 for the Tiger Woods Foundation. Tiger Woods was the highest-paid athlete in the world last year, with earnings of $80 million. Why you and I need to kick in a hundred grand for his foundation is beyond me.
  21. Pretty interesting story. Raised in the Chicago projects and became a millionaire by 14. The first "product" he made money off of was lotion. He took all the old bottles of lotion in his house mixed them with baby powder and sold them door to door and made $50.
  22. I think I was at that game . I remember a Jets game my Dad took me to it was cold and rainy and we left early.
  23. '72...The game OJ broke 2000 yards.
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