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Everything posted by IUBillsFan

  1. Not the point keep trying...I'm sure the Kerry family just takes the standard deduction, There would be no way they would itemize, right? I’m sure they want to pay all the taxes they can. I guess in your world families that make over $200,000 per year can pretty much do whatever they want, but less than that you are destitute.
  2. Operation Enduring Quagmire...that is pretty funny, do you know what quagmire means?
  3. Get a job...bum...
  4. I guess according to Kerry a family making $200,000 a year and Bill Gates are equal...HUH. I'm the richest man in the world...
  5. Very sad it's football it's supposed to be fun to go.Two killed
  6. That's a good thought but only if the doctor hospital are negligent. If you get a lawyer that plays on peoples sympathies that changes things.
  7. What I heard (on CNN) this morning was that it added 144,000 and Economist were expecting 150,000.
  8. Even I got a chuckle out of that...Just like when the Bush spokesman said they would start the debates with Kerry as soon as he was done debating with himself... Too bad we probably have two of the worst speakers running for president, I didn't like Clinton but he could give a good speech.
  9. UMMM ok...If you find another link I may believe it but IF he said that I would think it was sarcastic but the left usually don't get sarcasm...
  10. Soon as the wife gets home I'll ask her, she's a neurologist but she may know a little about it.
  11. My point above was part sarcastic...I do think JK had so pretty big balls go to Vietnam, I really do. I get tired of people saying GWB was a coward or went AWOL in the guard. I think it lacks any intelligent point of view since right now there are only about 6% of people that have served in a war zone. If someone questions kerry the only response is Bush was AWOL. I have stated I don't think anyone knows what really happened it depends on who you were. I do think the SBVT do believe much of what they say and I don't think they are wrong either...the fog of war... I wish we could hear more on the issues but that will come. For me the only reason I would vote for Kerry right now is that it would divide the the congress from the president and there would be MUCH less spending.
  12. Well once again if you want to be accurate the casualty rate was higher for fighter pilot training than in a Swift boat. Would you want to fly over Lubbock those boys will shoot at anything. I never said what Kerry did didn’t take balls I wouldn’t have wanted to do it but that is not what he volunteered for…Sorry if what I said was incorrect.
  13. Well if you want to be Accurate he volunteered for one of the safest duties at the time. The duty changed when he was there to a very dangerous one.
  14. He could have volunteered (I wouldn't have). I do think that if Bush can’t talk about Kerrys record accoding to some then Edwards shouldn’t be able to bring up GWB and IIRC he has/had questioned the whole AWOL BS(IMO). Bottom line IMO Kerry screwed up by using the Vietnam thing. He could have let the SBVT have their say and they would have died out I think. Now people are going to keep diging and find things like this...Right wing Blog While I am sure this link is slanted the Senate record is not and it is another version of the Bronze star. Kerry is just like most guys our stories are never the same twice fortunately for most of us no one is taking notes...Thank God.
  15. Al Gore invented Cold Fusion...I love Physics, I am a geek.
  16. People are going to keep diging and finding out things that are better left unfound. I think Kerry knew this and thought fighting would get it to go away faster and I think it has backfired...Would people been looking in this detail if Kerry hadn't filed lawsuits sent letters, ect. More
  17. The difference is they kept at least part of their "income" tax...IIRC. The black market thing is a concern but that will be one of the jobs of the IRS.
  18. Well you got the answers I thought you would.
  19. Good point with regards to knowing the amount that will be brought in but the government has a pretty good idea how much people spend every year. Also things will actually be cheaper here than in Canada or Mexico. You are only paying tax on NEW items also. Buy a used car no tax.
  20. I haven't seen this talked about on here and just wondered what everyone thought. I will hold off on my views for a little bit.Fair tax?
  21. Boy that's true. I think they should just have judges decided the awards no jury trials for PI or malpractice.
  22. Well no matter what there will ALWAYS be poor. My guess is that people think if you raise taxes on the "rich" that somehow the poor will all of a sudden will be better off. I've known too many people that are "poor" and bit@h about it but don't do anything and blame everyone but themselves. There are MANY people that really need help but just as many that want to blame others. Our family’s tax rebates went directly to help others the more we get the more we help. I think this is better than letting the gov. get the money have it run through about 1,000 layers of bureaucracies to get to the people that need it. Raise taxes and we have less to give. If you really think that Kerry cares more about the poor then that is wrong IMO. If it was true would you think he would donate more, just look at his past tax returns and it shows you how much he cares.
  23. The thing is it is not just the malpractice insurance that goes up. What this causes is doctors doing every they can think of to protect themselves. Just think if there is a 0.05% probability of something if the doctor doesn't check it it could end his career. Doing all the test costs the insurance companies money the costs are passed onto the insured...
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