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Everything posted by IUBillsFan

  1. Gran Torino, will always watch it I just happen to be channel surfing.
  2. That offends me, I'm an American and I don't want any association with that team, implied or otherwise.
  3. That would be crazy, who did that?
  4. So when a Superior gives you an order you just say ahhh I don't like that one...He does it again, you blow him off again...There would be no consequences??? That's the point his BOSS told him chose the tie or the job he chose the tie, HIS CHOICE. Thank you for your service to our country.
  5. So these employees were going out and meeting clients in steelers gear the day after the game? How many millions of dollars does your company spend sponsoring the Ravens?
  6. Really??? What law was broken, do you have a link? Since IL is an at-will employment state he can pretty much be fired for anything. Just fyi...Can an employer terminate me without advance notice or without giving a reason or an unfair reason for the termination? Yes. Illinois is an "employment at-will" state, meaning that an employer or employee may terminate the relationship at any time, without any reason or cause. The employer, however, cannot discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, military service or unfavorable military discharge. If you wish to locate additional information on the Illinois Department of Human Rights, From the IL dept of labor website
  7. You do realize that they don't just divide the total amount of the contract by the years and that's what the player makes, right? It's all about the guaranteed money, that's what's important.
  8. One thing I don't get about the story... "Since then the mortgage has been resold to different companies three times, with the interest rate jumping each time." Just because a mortgage is sold that does not and can not affect the interest rate.
  9. $8.95/mo
  10. Well I know when I had union Health coverage it was free, that was Health, vision and dental, for the family.
  11. If you take science as a whole yes. I know, for example, Indiana University received over $400,000,000 for their biosciences just this past year. Even after taking out expenses I don't think athletic dept revenues can compete...Now this is just my opinion so if someone has all the facts I'd be interested in reading them.
  12. LMAO...RIGHT...If you're a chem student getting a full ride you are probably taking MUCH harder classes than most ball players and would have to keep a GPA above the 2.0(?) that an athlete has to have to stay eligible. As for 5+ hours of practice that time would be spent working on research projects in the lab. Also most colleges that have really good science programs will bring in much more net income to the university than athletics if you look at the grant money they get.
  13. If you really swam for 8 years you would know how difficult it is to train for say the 400IM, the 200fly oh and btw break the American record in the 100 free. TOTALLY different training for all those events. That is why it is so special NOBODY else can compete let alone set world records in that many different events. IMO it would be like a track guy do the 100M the 400M and the 400 hurdles AND break world records in all of them. BTW swam for 17 years.
  14. New rule for pro athletes...The can, if they have a pro contact, a recruiter. I don't remember the specifics but if they stay for more than, I think, three years in a league they can go reserve.
  15. Car payment as much as cable??? Insurance at $500/mo is low now if you take into account ALL the insurance a person "has to have"...That Montana thing sounds awful good.
  16. I'm not sure the vet's mind that much...Just think if you're a LT ready to be a FA I'm thinking the price for your services just went up way up no matter what level you are.
  17. So will I win $250 or $350 see I read the rules carefully...
  18. Can a team trade a draft pick for cash? Could Snyder give say $5,000,000 (or more or less)to the Lions for the second pick?
  19. Geez...It amazes me how some people can hurt their own kids, I don't get it. Here's something that just happened in Indiana, why take your kid with you... http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...CAL18/703070423
  20. I guess the fact that they had to close streets here from all the fans Celebrating...Of course that could be that you weren't here you didn't notice it.
  21. I wouldn't take Indy. Jacksonville's D is playing very good and Indy's running game isn't. Plus Indy's D is pretty banged up and the VERY short corners they have are going to have a hard time against Jax big WR's. IF the corners were good and just short that's one thing but they are average and short. I took Buffalo same reason and I stayed away from that Cin/Pit game. I would took Chicago and Sea along with Jax and Buffalo for a four team parlay.
  22. Doh...It's early and I'm just a touch hungover...I saw Adams and thought Mordrak...
  23. So he went against his own system and drafted a safty first??? You can't get enough offensive linemen/defensive linemen or corners. You can get a RB, a WR, a safety later on.
  24. Farve. How they he thought Farve was the next Kelly but he'd be on the bench too long...
  25. It also seems, looking at the last guys, that Ari is going to convert Winston Justice to a DT...I think I'd try him at his college position first.
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